February 21st, 2006 at 08:07 pm
Well, I still wonder how the typical family throws out 400 pounds of FOOD each year. It's not hard to do, though, when you lose track of what you have, or get a bit over enthusiastic about sales and coupons! DH says STOP BUYING STUFF, but he loves seeing the savings as much as I do. In fact, he was SO cute this weekend, saw his favorite soy milk on sale, and saw the BLINKING LIGHT for the coupon above it, and did both! Progress!
But, I did just throw out some cottage cheese that had turned, and I realize I need to get back on the wagon for using what I have or losing it! So, here's where I am:
Sunday night: chicken breasts, 99 cents a pound, with two free packages of Simply Potatoes mashed potatoes, a free package of country gravy mix I've had for a year with some left over sour cream and other additions, some Pillsbury biscuits (on sale, coupon, and did the rebate), with a side of steamed carrots from a veggie tray from Valentine's.
Monday night, left over chicken cut up with carrots/broccoli/sweet peas/peppers from the veggie tray, a can of mushrooms, and some Trader Joe's teriyaki dressing/marinade thickened with cornstarch to make a stir fry. Lipton side of rice (free after coupon). Usually would have added extra plain rice and adjusted seasonings, but no room in frig for leftovers.
Bit of chicken went into the dogs kibble; he's teething and needs soft food. free sample of Iams sauce from registering him with Iams and asking their vet a question (free bag, free bottle, lots of coupons).
Tonight, kielbalsa from the freezer, sliced up, will fry it and add the remaining country gravy. Serve with remaining mashed potatoes, biscuits, and some fresh broccoli.
So far, so good.
Posted in
February 21st, 2006 at 07:57 pm
It's been a roller coaster month, but finally have a minute to get to my own blog!
This is a good month in terms of rebates and rewards. In the last week, I've received another $60 in gift cards, $10 for a free lance bit, $45 for surveys, $186 from eBates (holiday shopping!), $35 in amazon g-c's for rewards, $10 from Pfizer, $12 from Aquafresh. $25 g/c from restaurant.com. Still waiting for most of my rebates. Weis markets has one-check rebates, have more coming from them and all the mail-ins, but so far we can add an extra $383.
2006 extra income challenge: $2769
Posted in
February 17th, 2006 at 11:03 pm
Okay, I'm trying to get used to all these categories. Seems like with meds and Rx's, I need a separate category to track costs and compare to what it was without insurance versus premiums, etc.
This week was horrible medical wise, on top of everything I have a deep sinus infection or something, lots of CTs and meds.
Good news, the script I filled in December for $400 for 30 days was $36 for 30 days under the new plan. Add to that the "voucher" from the web site, $10, and costs continue to go down. I need to add it all up, though, and see how else I can improve. Keep ya "posted!"
Posted in
February 17th, 2006 at 11:00 pm
Despite all the craziness, the snail mail has been raining coupons. It's really been great!
Ziploc sent free products and a booklet of coupons, Purina sent free products and multiple coupons, Johnson and Johnson sent LOTS of free item coupons, Crows sent free item coupons, Pfizer sent free coupons, I received a FREE 2006 Entertainment booklet with coupons, etc. I sent many of the grocery coupons on to the coupon train, as DH reminds me we are fully stocked on everything and STOP buying stuff. Panicked a bit when I didn't hear from the coupon train, but sounds like it's been running fine without me 
Kashi and Arrowhead are sending coupons for free products, and quite a few manufacturer direct surveys are sending coupons. I'll admit, I prefer the coupons to a 1:1000000 chance of a prize.
Surveys have been paying off too. Just too much going on right now to catch up on everything.
Posted in
February 17th, 2006 at 10:51 pm
I've calmed down quite a bit, and I think we've finally got most of the problems cleared up.
Last week we started having Active-x and registry key errors. Started with a coupon site, which McAfee later reported as a malicious script from the printer download!!!
Ran some basic registry programs, did some fixes, still had problems.
Googled on McAfee, which we have, and found what was purported at their recommended software for registry errors. I didn't catch that it was NOT www.us.mcafee..... but was www.mcafee.... Anyway, they had free software, downloaded, ran, came back telling me I had hundreds of errors, but to FIX them, I needed to purchase the Error Dr. software. $50. But it had tied my machine up, so I purchased it. It sort of ate my computer. Slowly.
Saturday I started getting email from myself (?) with malicious scripts, so decided to scrub the computer and download AOL again. Scrubbed off Mozilla and firefox and all, downloaded and reinstalled AOL, and ended up in an infinite loop. Somehow AOL was triggered to reset the firewall before it finished installed McAfee, so it could not install the antivirus, and so it kept crashing, infinite loop. AOL was NO help, 30 minutes in auto answer HELL, then their service rep hung up on me and I ended up on hold with Walgreen pharmacy! We don't even HAVE a Walgreen. Ended up with 20 copies of AOL9.0 on the machine, and working one on one with MCAfee, charged by the minute.
Working with AOL, DH removed all the software we had PREVIOUSLY purchased from McAfee, and for some reason it had to be repurchased.
Total software and computer service time ended up being around $300! And, all of my receipts, purchases pending, emails from 12/3 to 2/14 were lost. So, no records, nothing to claim, no membership numbers, no problem log numbers, etc. Still trying to total up what the costs of that will be.
This is a BIG dent in my budget, and unnecessary. I feel SO foolish for paying for software that screwed up my computer, and paying to have it fixed, and being DOWN and out of a computer for two days.
A big lesson for me, though to remember to take the time to print out everything, and back things up. I hate wasting paper and killing trees for electronic paperwork, but some records really do need to be made. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I'm doing I forget the common sense things. Now I'm paying for it.
I guess the bright side is, I learned that some other ISPs charge $2 a MINUTE for technical assistance. The extra investment in AOL and McAfee instead of the less expensive choices did pay off in the long run.
Posted in
February 13th, 2006 at 10:37 pm
We finally finished up our $100 Home depot card from DH birthday. We had saved it for the insulation, but since that was 10% of what we budgeted, we had $29 left on the card. Bought SALT for this wonderful storm, leaving 43 cents on the card. I do hate leaving money behind, but I couldn't think of anything to buy for that, and I do NOT want to spend more than the card is worth.
Dropped by Costco to pick up a Rx. Had a $10 rebate, so $8 total. Yeah! Would have been $150 last October. I want to start a separate category to track how the insurance premiums/Costco/cash back compares to the savings. Hopefully it will work well.
I have NEVER been one to contact companies, but Saturday I picked up a flyer from Bayer, and the coupon was expired. There was a huge pile, and they were ALL expired. I went to the cited website, and IT was expired. So I sent them an email, just thought they would want to know. I just received a thank you email with a note that they are sending a pile of coupons, including FREE product coupons!
I asked Little Crow why they didn't have coupon in the paper, and they sent 6 FREE coupons, with survey requests to try them and respond, plus a stack of other coupons. So I checked all three local grocery stores, and no one carries them! Anyone have a store they can use them at?
I did find the Ralston hot cereal at Weis. Surprised.
Also, Boost is in sale, but DH doesn't like it. Too sweet, not enough protein. Ensure high pro is up to $10 a six pack. So I wrote to Boost to ask if they were going to release their new high protein shake soon. They also responded sending a pile of coupons, and gave me a number to call EVERY MONTH to receive coupons. I didn't ASK for coupons, and it is really nice! Now if DH will just drink it. But, they are introducing a new high pro shake!
I received email from Weis that I have several rebates coming (they combine into one check each month) and Fritos is replacing 30 coupons they mailed out after they expiration date with free product coupons. Several surveys paid last month, and I requested checks. Got one today. Can't wait until they all come in and I can total them up and LOG them in my challenge.
I'm still trying to get in touch with several people who posted that they wanted to join coupon trains, but they have not responded to PMs. I'm a bit frustrated, I offered to organize these, but not pull my hair out.
Oh, on a final note...I'm still learning to use freebies. I posted the Johnny Walker free movie ticket offer, and there were responses that the link was bad, so I checked it. Just got an email that I am now signed up as a striding man :-0 and have a code for one free movie ticket from Fandango. There is no way I will have time to use it, so if anyone wants it, or didn't receive there's:
go to www.fandango.com
Offer only redeemable for R rated movies. Codes must be redeemed before 03/10/06
Posted in
February 10th, 2006 at 09:15 pm
No offense to ANYONE, but I am LOL thinking about this question in the forums.
My MIL is wealthy. An heiress. Yet I did not know until after I was married and she told me who her grandfather was. YIKES. I actually wouldn't have married the love of my life if I'd known, it was too overwhelming.
Yet they live in a comfortable house. They buy cars used, one year or so out, so the depreciation has already hit. They wear comfortable clothes, save when they go out on the town, social or charity "events", and the holidays.
The only real clues I had to their money, other than their private banker, were their wedding rings, which they only wore to go out. $30K stones, each, purchased as stones and then set stunningly.
Christmas, dinner is cooked in sweats, with a last minute change into glamour, as I think many families do. The good china and crystal come out, and I remember commenting on how beautiful the crystal stemware was. When MIL said it was $250 a stem (20 years ago), I didn't even understand. DH explained in a whisper, and I was afraid to breathe.
People who truly have money are comfortable with it. They don't like to spend it foolishly but they do buy what they like. They don't tend to flaunt it, because it's just that, money, and end to a mean. They aren't really worried about what others think, or "looking" like they have money. Just the opposite, in fact, MIL has cautioned me many times on the dangers of "looking" wealthy. Theft, kidnapping, identity theft, mugging.
It's not to say they aren't neat, clean, appropriate, but they aren't ABOUT money, it's just something they have. You can have clothes, or jewelry, or money. Money is just another thing, it doesn't define them.
I love that about my MIL. She is kind, warm, loving, gentle, a great cook. And no one needs to know what is in her closet or her bank account. Only what's in HER.
Posted in
February 10th, 2006 at 07:56 pm
It is definitely coupon day here!
$2 for Indian River juices
$6 Healthy Choice
Also, my dentist asked me to report to Aquafresh that their Extreme Clean was too harsh. They sent me packaging to return it to them, and returned a CHECK for $12 and an coupon booklet of $11 in GSK products.
I emailed Swheat Scoop that their "specially marked packages" were not available here, and they sent 2 - $1 each coupons, good all year. Coupon Train!
I emailed Little Crow that I was not receiving their coupons, and they sent coupons for SIX FREE products, a sheet of coupons, and surveys on each product to complete to receive MORE coupons. They said in their response email they have a low use rate on their coupons, so they have stopped putting them in newspapers, but they are HAPPY to send them. Glad to help!
I'm also trying to learn more about the MyPoints insider club that I signed up for. They cover all S&H for trials from their sites, as well as returns. But they also have LOADS of $25 off $50, etc., for online purchases. So...will have to see. I am fairly sure they are trying to dump data miners on me, but I scrub fairly regularly.
Posted in
February 8th, 2006 at 10:28 pm
Well, three months after I signed up for the frito-lay MARK offer, today I received TWO packages of coupons. No beauty kit, but I'll take the coupons. FREE product. I look a bit closer, they all expired 01/31/06. BOO.
I rarely do this, but their web site has no info and no email contact, and so I called. Got the NICEST customer rep, and she is sending a SASE for me to send back the coupons, and they will replace ALL of them with current coupons. YES.
Received some great coupons by mail, $12 from Dryel/Febreze/Downy, 4 FREE Olivio coupons, others. Nice. Expirations are end of year, so I have a chance to breathe.
Finally received the products from Purina for shipping their puppy chow back. A bit disappointed, they sent a baggie and a SAPP label. This dog food is BAD, I mean it came out of the bag in giant clumps. They said they were sending shipping materials, somehow I "assumed" it would include packaging?
Other news, received another $40 in free gift cards. Quite a pile, need to shop, but don't need anything right now, so just trying to a}not forget them and b}not let the dog eat them. I need to check on other offers, now that MyPoints covers all S&H and return shipping costs.
I also received a nice surprise from ThePeanutShop. A great store, we are addicted to their peanuts, and it's DHs one luxury. But, the last batch was horrible, and they replaced the can. But today we received a free can of chocolate covered peanuts, just because we are good customers. Very nice.
So, a pretty good day. Specific savings will be in the future, but sometimes to GET the savings, you need to plan ahead. So, this is my plan ahead day
Posted in
February 8th, 2006 at 12:04 am
I did get one nice offer in the mail today on my credit cards.
To explain, four months ago I converted all of our cards to dividend cash back cards. DH saw an add for a 5% cash back card from a bank we don't use, but I ended up checking out different cards online, and found our current card holders had a much better card out there, for "select" customers. I can be select. So, did my research, called up the cardholder and said I wanted to cancel my cards. Flat out.
Credit card banks have become a bit jaded over people calling up complaining about better deals, and since few are willing to actually cancel their card if they aren't given a better deal, the banks are more hesitant to negotiate against an "offer in hand". But, if you call the number of the back of your card and ask to cancel, they will ask why. Then you can tell them about another offer, or in my case, simply say that what I really wanted to do was convert my existing cards into the other card they offered, but it seemed too complicated...within 3 minutes both cards were converted. Immediately activated at 5% back on grocery, gas, and drugstores.
But that is just the beginning. Most cash back cards (I think AMEX is the exception) have caps on dividends you can earn, and other limitations. I had asked my personal banker if her bank offered a cash card, and while they didn't, she pointed out that DH and I should each have a card, and double our allowed cash back.
Now, when you take out a credit card on a new special super deal, and then don't use it, the owners of the credit get concerned. My personal banker automatically upgraded my bank card to yet another level of rewards, and send reminders of other features.
The new cards however...we use one, pushing for the 5%, and use a completely different card for everything else. So, the card people noticed we weren't use this super deal card...a new card...seen as a new account...and today we got the incentive package.
We want you to enjoy your card. For the next 6 months you will earn 5% cash back on ALL purchases made with this card.
Posted in
February 7th, 2006 at 11:24 pm
I finally feel caught up. Well, almost. I still need to get a bit more organized in tracking everything going in and out.
I completed a $50 survey, so look forward to receiving that check. Requested two other checks. Received three emails from Weis that my January rebates were confirmed and would be mailed later this month, and eBates is also sending a check. Still waiting for the Pepsi and Colgate and K-C and DeSanti and Del Monte and all those crazy Janaury rebates to arrive. I am looking forward to the one post where I get to add them all together and claim towards my $20 challenge as FOUND money.
I'm staying on top of the "rewards" clubs to make sure things are credited. Found a $15 survey that hadn't been, and three others are pending.
DH wanted me to repost that yes, we saved 92% at one store this week using coupons and sales and deals. I do love it when he's proud of these little things. Here I am, a former SVP, and I melt at these little things.
Received four more g/c's, for $40. I'm now having to remind DH that they are there. They are piled on one clip on the frig.
I've lost track of a few things that have come in. But, so far I can account for:
2006 savings: $3600 plus meds ($1500), minus the insurance, for a total of $5055.
Not bad for the first month, but so much more I want to try! When savings becomes a challenge, or a game, it's much more enjoyable than feeling deprived and spending.
2006 savings:$5055
2006 extra income challenge: $2386
Posted in
February 6th, 2006 at 11:20 pm
It has been a busy day. Despite having not having a meeting this morning (it was canceled at the last minute), I didn't end up with any free time. Well, maybe I did, it was quite enjoyable. I took some product testing results to FedEx, reorganized one coupon train and dropped the coupons in the mail (ack, getting expensive). A bit complicated as I can't reach some people and I don't want to send everyones coupons into a black hole. THAT would be irresponsible. A few new people would love to join and are in such close proximity, but I've already rearranged one train, and will have to look at the next.
DH had to pick up a few things, so we cruised through a new supermarket and of course received another pile of coupons. Interesting. Did buy another giant stainless mixing bowl. Always need another it seems, baking in bulk, especially for bread rising.
Incoming mail was nice, received $20 for circuit city and $20 for Lowe's, a pile of coupons for free product from Olivio, another pile from Iams. They sent the nicest puppy kit, just because I asked how to stop the new pup from laying in his water bowl. Also followed up with a company and they did finally send my $10 rebate. So that's $50 extra in today for the challenge.
I'll have to total another day, dog needs tending, as does DH.
Thanks to all for the wonderful comments. They are SO appreciated.
Posted in
February 5th, 2006 at 08:31 pm
Did a "quick shop" to all three stores in the next town, had my lists, coupons, deals replanned. Not bad.
I did a few "super deals", $5 IAMS puppy food coupon on a $5 4 pound bag, purchased requirements for two rebates. Had a $2 Lysol wipe coupon good on two, which were on sale for $2 each, but I have a rebate for $2.99 back. Did that. Had to buy 5 chicken for a $10 rebate, but had a $25 g/c from Club Mom accumulated points, so good to go.
Giant was the best, with the above g/c, the $74 bill went down to $12, and I will have the $10 rebate coming. I picked up one item not on my list, Coffeemate creamer in a new flavor, which added the $2. Oh well. Pretty close!
Total price was $120, total spent was $42 for the day, and I have the two mail in rebates. Also the "auto" rebates from Weis, should have $13 coming back from there.
So, not bad.
Stocked up on coupons. LOADS of them.
So, pretty good day. I'll have to do totals later, I have some "links" in the freebies to check. These things expire so fast!
Posted in
February 5th, 2006 at 08:24 pm
Okay, I registered to receive cigarette coupons months ago. Nothing. Months. Nothing.
January I signed up with the quit smoking site, support, coupons off on gum and patches. For the last two weeks I have received a set of cigarette coupons EVERY day, different brand every day.
Somehow I don't think this was the purpose in requiring Phillip Morris to put a quit assist program on their web site. But there ya go...
Posted in
February 3rd, 2006 at 06:42 pm
Yesterday was great, put two g/c claims into the mail, received another g/c from Club Mom for $25. Had a break through moment when DH agreed to drop by PetSmart to return a dog toy, even without a receipt, that fell apart after five minutes. They only gave us $1.50 for it, but hey, that's $1.50.
While I was online, DH brought a Weis ad we received in the mail to me. DH NEVER EVER looks at the "newspaper" mail. I'm chasing after him to make sure he doesn't throw out rewards like g/cs as junk mail. But he proudly brought this ad to me while I was online to show me they had 6 coupons for TRIPLE coupons, and he was putting aside in the coupon box. SHOCK AND AWE.
So during the commercial breaks last night, we sat down and chatted about the savings we have seen. We've never been careless with money, but while we were working 20 hour days for the corporation, we didn't coupon or shop sales or worry about all the details. We made good money, we didn't blow everything on toys. But we weren't careful.
After we retired, well, we were 40 and there was cancer and assault and so much else to deal with that we just kept on that routine. Then last September, DH admitted he had not created a budget before he invested most of our cash assets, and we were in a bind until March. So I dug out my resources and started making cuts. And I found this site, SavingAdvice, which offered good advice, good people, and excellent reminders on things I needed to be doing to get through.
In the 4 months since then, DH figured we have SAVED over $10K just by doing things we should have been doing anyway. We shopped around and cut Rx costs from $2K a month to $1K; with our new insurance plan (and SO much research) those costs have dropped to $500 or so. $4K+ in four months right there.
We started shopping sales, using coupons, working deals and rebates, stopped most impulse buying, and started using what we purchased (esp. fresh produce) and our WEEKLY bills from grocery and Costco (food, cleaners, entertainment, light bulbs, etc.) went from $500 a WEEK (embarrassed!) to $150 a week. That's $1400 a month, or $5K+ in four months.
I canceled all those "auto renewal" magazines that were "free", and renewed at exhorbant prices that were hidden on my cc bills ("free" People was $150 a year!!!), and memberships that we didn't need, totaling over $3K all together. That savings will flow over the year, but it's a huge impact.
There are also all the little things. We had budgeted $1K for reinsulating the garage, but research revealed a way to upgrade to the same level for under $100, and we had a gift card, so it was FREE.
I've also started speaking up a bit more. The $20 can of burned peanuts would have simply been tossed last year. This year, a letter to the company, a free can. Also compliments for products I am impressed by; coupons and freebies.
The best thing is that I've been reminded to THINK about what I'm doing. Do I need this, is this the best deal, what can I change to lower costs even more?
As March approaches and our investments become cash again, I don't plan to stop the process. Saving is a way of life, and it feels GOOD to be back in control.
Thanks to ALL.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2006 at 01:07 am
Wow. I have never been one to use freebies, or do free trials. But I have taken advantage of some of the $1 trials that give rewards, and I'll admit, it's very exciting to get those gas cards, gift cards. They keep emailing me more! I received two Lowe's cards today, should get two more tomorrow, already received $40 in Exxon and $80 in gas coupons. I also have g/c's coming in as rebates from several sites. Keeping up with cracking the best deal can be exhausting, who gives how many points; how many points does each site need for a $10 g/c; how does the value compare to cash back. ACK.
Freebies, I never understood them. I was so embarrassed by my mother grabbing up all she could in stores, doctors offices, whatever. But, truthfully, I am finding it's not a matter of being poor, but wise. DH pointed out that I had 20 bottles of shampoo and conditioners from last year, all that I purchased big for the lower price, and all that my stylist has warned me not to use after a few weeks. The little trials of Dove, Garnier, whatever they send, actually allow me to try the product (duh) and determine if I want to purchase it, let alone get the larger value size that has no value to me.
So, we continue to try these new ways, and incorporate the old ways.
Trying to get DH to look at auto insurance, which was actually a goal he gave himself two weeks ago. Jeffrey's challenges are excellent, even when they are reminders (so, DH's inbox is pelted with copies of the daily challenge...). I need to create a list of all the ways we have saved since October (signed up at this site).
Spent a fair amount of time cleaning out the freebie area. Too many redundant and expired posts. But it is always rewarding to find things there, and add to them. Haven't gotten below House/Garden (i.e. the dreaded HEALTH section), which is totally overrun.
Sent out a welcome letter to the members of the bullet train, with all the info they will need, and a few coupons to boot. I should receive the train in the next day or two, and I can't wait to restock and get it back onto the tracks!
Posted in
January 31st, 2006 at 12:14 am
I had a great plan to finally take advantage of the SuperFresh sales. Since they are always out of stock by Monday, I decided to go first thing Saturday, when the ads came out. They had a great rebate, the Pepsi rebate for $10 was doubled to $20 for their store. So...
Made it there. They had Pepsi packs 4 for $9 if you had the paper coupon and purchased $25 additional. Hmm...had the $25 g/c from the free prescription...and they actually had great sale prices with things I had coupons for...
Unfortunately, the sales prices hadn't been put into the computer yet, the girl was new and wouldn't go off of the paper I carried in to the store (they don't have them available ANYWHERE inside). The free with purchase didn't ring up free. And DH was SO sick of the store he didn't want to argue about it. Using the $25 g/c, we spent $18 for $88 in groceries, but it should have come out even. Rats. Granted, I will get the $20 rebate, unless they mess that one up too. Seriously, I can't win at that store.
Made it to Weis, picked up TP for the Kimberly Clark rebate, got that one off.
Finally, the frig is cleared of rebate slips and receipts and UPCs taped on to them. I won't count the rebates as income/savings until they are in hand.
I did get $120 in gas and gift cards. Not bad for a $5 investment. I did actually try and use all the memberships. Haven't canceled any yet.
Now, putting the coupon train together, organizing things a bit. I've got too many things going at once. It just seems like all the rebates and special offers and trials come in January. Which wouldn't be bad, but keeping track of everything, even the MyPoints that weren't credited, and choosing which rebate site gives the best deal on that day, well, it does make the head swim.
Having a cold makes it swim a bit, too.
The pup, however, remains lively and chewing up everything in sight! I have stitched up every seam in every toy with binder's thread, but he still finds ways to chew more holes. Can't wait for those baby teeth to be replaced by something not quite so sharp.
So, totals so far:
Savings for 2006 - $3600
$20 challenge - $2320
Posted in
January 25th, 2006 at 11:49 pm
Another day, another dollar? I've spent most of the afternoon tracking down all the points/rewards/credits that I have earned on various sites and surveys. I'm quite surprised at how many credits had not been credited to my accounts, even though I had the emails confirming them. It has paid off though. I tracked down at least $200 of credits and gift cards never received, and they are now on their way!
I'm also pleasantly surprised with Weis market. Between their free "clubs" that reward purchases, their automatic online rebates, and their cash back, besides their sales and double coupons, I earned $38 back in addition to the savings. And it's set up so I am automatically credited for all these deals, without even being aware of it!
Yikes, power is getting flaky, storm coming through. More later...
Posted in
January 24th, 2006 at 09:02 pm
I checked over some bonus points I was waiting for to claim a gift card at MyPoints, and realized that MOST of my offers had not been credited. I checked with them, and several older than 90 days were credited. Others, still waiting on. So I checked Club Mom, survey sites, etc., and found several things not yet credited.
So, my challenge this week is to go through all of my rewards, rebates, payments, credits, and track them. If they haven't been recorded, follow up, and follow through. Surveys alone are over $100 this month. Besides all the little fake surveys that lead you to a site to buy something. I want my points!
Also, trying to organize the coupon trains, get everyone's info in order and prioritize coupons and wish lists. I'm swamped with coupons, but not all may be useable. I also need to track down a few wishes and see what I can come up with. It's amazing how they bury the coupon sites!
Posted in
January 24th, 2006 at 08:57 pm
Did pretty well. Tried out the new grocery store and checked out their prices, their rewards, their rules, etc. Tried a few deals and am waiting to see them show up online. Neat! Still saved more than half plus $20 rebate will come automatically.
Also, did the deal at SF. They filled my free trial prescription for $0 and issued the $25 g/c for their store.
Today, received two $10 gas g/cs, a target $25 g/c, and turned another rebate.
Savings for 2006 - $3500
$20 challenge - $2130
Posted in
January 22nd, 2006 at 07:46 pm
Whooh! Yesterday I found a local store that actually takes internet-printed coupons. They have some interesting deals, too. We drove in to register for a store card, sign up for one-check rebates and rewards programs, and checked out the store. Nice. The savings are a bit difficult to figure out, since there are in-store savings, sales, "club" special savings, and automatic rebates all to figure out.
So, picked up two of the items I needed for the Brand New Me Rebate, used a coupon, that they doubled.
SF had the Pillsbury Grands for $1.29, instead of the usual $2, and had a coupon $1 on 2 which they doubled, so I got my last item for the rebate at 58 cents for two.
SF also had Aquafina half price, $5 for a 24 pack, with a mail in rebate for $5 back on two, so did that. Home before the mail came :-) so had them in the mail same day. DONE.
Still have the Kimberly-Clark and others to work on, and not much is on sale this week.
I did receive a $10 incentive for a product testing, and qualified on two more surveys that each paid cash. It's adding up to a nice sum for the month. Just need to request the check, but seems like they are always adding too it, and you can't get paid if it's less than a certain total, so I keep waiting. Not complaining, keep adding to it!
Am getting $50 for another survey. I've also got a nice rewards tally at e-Rewards. They are just starting up, so send lots of "paid" surveys, and even though they don't have a great reward catalog, it is getting better every few weeks, so I am hoping that by the time they have some great rewards, I'll have earned enough to get them. Always nice to get in early on things ;-)
So, won't count the income until it's in my hand. $10.
Savings for 2006 - $3353
Extra income challenge - $2095
Posted in
January 20th, 2006 at 10:39 pm
I have been using the same mismatched set of hand-me-down pots and pans since before grad school...23 years...pretty sad for the daughter of a formerly famous cook! Now that I'm retired (well, trying to be), I cook almost every day, and we are trying to stick to a commitment to use EVERYTHING we purchase. No more wasted produce or meat DH forgot to tell me was thawing in the frig. AND trying to eat healthy.
So, DH gave me a new Celephon (?) chicken fryer for Christmas. True love! It came with a promise that if I liked it, he would buy a set. For me, of course. He microwaves, no cooking.
Today Bed Bath and Beyond had a sale on their 10 piece cookware set, and I had a 20% off coupon. So, we got them. And, they gave us a $50 g/c for their store in the deal.
DH has already committed the g/c to my sister's b-day. Nice gift!
Club Mom also gives points for purchases at BBB. HOPEFULLY I will soon reach a reward level.
But, it was a TERRIFIC Christmas gift, and I would rather save the $150 than to have it wrapped under the tree a few weeks ago!
Also, let's see...new insurance has kicked in, and I met the deductible, so my scripts were $18 each, instead of $300 each (just two). Ah...hopefully the premiums will be covered by the savings eventually.
Superfresh is also having a deal, $25 g/c with any new prescription. Since I was seeing the Dr. today anyway, had her write a script for a free trial. SF is a bit irritated, and is waiting until Monday to give me the g/c...I wouldn't normally be quite so, um, frugal, but I have gotten taken every week on their ads, and frankly I don't trust them to come through with this offer either. No way would I pay for a script from them only to find out that once again they won't honor their own coupon.
I finally email Kimberly Clark about their Scott tissue and paper towel coupons. They email them to me every month, and I can't print them, and they don't have a request-by-mail link. They were very nice, and sent 4 coupons to boot. Nice timing for the K-C rebate.
So, nothing special. Using up the last of the carrots in a quiche for dinner. Tonight our Sunday coupons will come, and I'll skim over them and a cup of coffee tomorrow morning. I've already got a full load for the next coupon train, so it had better make it back to this station soon!
Savings for 2006 - $3353
Extra income challenge - $2085
Posted in
January 19th, 2006 at 11:40 pm
Geez Louise! I tried to log in to all the sites I have "reward" memberships in, like Club Mom and MyPoints and eRewards, etc today. Wrote down all the totals, looked through all the rewards, tried to determine what hadn't been credited and what I still needed and if there were any easy points, etc. AGH. It's pretty crazy. I've never done these memberships before, but free money sounded interesting. There really is a draw to sign up for a deal to get those few extra points, though, even if you normally wouldn't be interested.
Kimberly-Clark responded to my query: We apologize for any disappointment, however, the order form for the Kimberly-Clark $10 Rebate Offer is only available in the coupon insert section of the Sunday, January 15, 2006 newspaper. Of course, it is available online, just not their site. So, I posted it from the other site.
Got some VERY nice feedback from a survey site, and a technology forum that pays.
Had a short work out, dinner is Healthy Choice and Birds Eye. Got to clean out that freezer.
Haven't decided what the saving challenge will be for next week. DH and I really need to start that again. Somehow the Corgi has wiped out all our time! And budget...
Posted in
January 18th, 2006 at 11:34 pm
It happened. Seriously. Yesterday eBates doubled to 10% cash back at Drugstore.com. My credit card doubled to 10% back on drugstores. Drugstore.com gives 5% rebate. And drugstore.com is having a clearance sale, 40-70% off!!!! All the stars aligned, so to speak.
I went through the sale list, but there was NOTHING that I needed. If I had a few hours, I could have searched through all the freebies with purchase and made myself feel worse, but really, I'm fully stocked, and nothing to buy. So, it happened. I logged off and stepped away from the deal.
Savings isn't saving if it isn't SAVING, and if I don't need it, it's just a waste. But oh, the agony!
Posted in
January 18th, 2006 at 11:30 pm
Patience really isn't my forte. I'm waiting for Club Mom to credit my account so I can request my g/c for groceries. Waiting for other rewards to get posted so I can claim them. I want my money.
eBates is sending a nice check, but not until mid-February. Everything must clear. Surveys must be credited. Sigh.
The hardest part, though, is not spending more on something to see the credit. I need 20 points from Club Mom. I've purchased enough, but I'm just waiting, and if I placed a different order...but then again, I don't need anything.
Posted in
January 17th, 2006 at 11:02 pm
Just one of those days that has turned into a week!
Savings, well, I went to SuperFresh yesterday to pick up a few of their advertised sales. They double coupons up to a $1, but they are QUITE picky about it. As usual, they were already out of everything. In one day. Personally, I think they are just loss leaders, as they do not seem to restock the shelves at all for sale items. DH thinks it's a warehousing problem...but it was irritating. I did get Kotex "on sale" with my coupon, seemed like a good price and it works for the K-C rebate. But, today Grocery Game printed Giant prices, and Giant's 2/1 sale was actually a better deal. Sigh.
Several of the Grocery Game deals did not exist at our store, and the coupons they show aren't correct for our area. But, they are great at showing what a "regular" price really is, so I can evaluate the sales price with coupons. So, I'm keeping the membership for awhile. $1 a week is still $52 a year, but I'll monitor it.
So, today, went to Staples, exchanged my empty ink cartridge for $3 coupon, which I used for some file folders. Definitely MUST get better organized.
Giant, groceries, here I am NOT going to buy anything until I clear out my freezer and pantry a bit...but I am still working on a few rebates with sale items/coupons, and then a few sales. Not a great deal, $150 down to $75. VERY disappointed. I refuse to buy anything just to get the rebate back on it. Other items, though, paper towels and TP. Orajel for the dog, who is preparing to lose his teeth.
Also bought a larger crate and pads for him online. Petco had a sale, plus 15% off. Went through ClubMom to get the 6 points/$1 spent. Fairly sure getting the cashback from eBates would be a better deal, but I am SO close to getting the $25 g/c for Giant through ClubMom. We'll see. Calculating all this out has my head spinning!
Bought heathy edible bones online, too. $10 for 3 in the groceries, and $1 a piece at drsfostersmith.com. The dog is CHEWING. He's gained a pound a week, up to 9 pounds, but he can go through a small Dentabone in less than 5 minutes. And he's getting more and more determined about it. I am getting concerned about all the treats he is going through, so I'm trying to find something he will chew for awhile. He doesn't gulp, just chew chew chew chew chew! Jaws of steel. I'm calling him our little land shark. He tried to eat a bounce sheet that was stuck to a fleece blanket yesterday.
Little things are suddenly paying off. So many paid surveys I've qualified for, and follow up tasks that pay even more. It's great, but it does take time that I suddenly don't have.
It's cold. DH and I are disagreeing once again about the draft from the garage. You can feel the wind coming in straight through the kitchen garage door, but DH reminds me that all houses need airflow. But then again, we just recaulked all the windows and insulted the outlets, etc. Seems to ME that we are plugging leaks when the flood is already coming in!
Coupons, picked up more coupons and rebates in the store today. Got a coupon train to keep running!
I did get a fairly good deal on orajel, the tooth pain product with the current rebate. It was $10, ouch, but they doubled the $1 coupon, and although the newspaper had a $4 rebate, the box had a $5 rebate, so that will go into the mail tomorrow.
DH promised today would be a catch up day. But, all this running around takes time. We haven't found a routine since the pup came. Didn't get our workouts in today.
Lunch we actually ate out at Taco Bell, shopping ran later than expected. That's how it is when NOTHING is on the shelves. Just lots of errands. Dinner, carrot and wildrice soup. DH requested it, and it's perfect because I have everything for it. Usually would use up fresh carrots, but we picked up DM canned carrots at 10 cents a can for the DM rebate, as well as Broth, and a freebie on wild rice, so a bit of tarragon and pepper, and we're in business.
Savings today, not sure, I have spent so much on doggie crates and doors, that money saved is just to try to get under our usual budget. Doggie expenses were never planned. Worth it.
Well, enough rambling. Better go see what everyone else has posted, and where things are on the bullet train!
Oh, actually got the confirmation mail that I won the Breathe Right strips contest! THAT will help.
Posted in
January 15th, 2006 at 09:45 pm
Hmm. I consider myself an ethical person. But I keep getting these offers for trials of this or that, $1 for a month or a sample and such, and $20 gift cards for gas or grocery or even AMEX. So, I succumbed to two yesterday. $40 in cards for two free trials that I know I will cancel. Doesn't seem right. But then, I didn't come up with the offer, and I didn't email it to me.
Not much in the mail lately. Did get a hooded sweatshirt we won on Saturday. It's listed at $40, but really, where do they come up with these values? I haven't entered contests lately, though, so probably not going to be bringing in so many benefits.
Changing from retirement to consulting for the company to free lancing now, is quite challenging. I didn't realize all the benefits, and pot holes, there would be for women free lancing their own business. I need to establish something more formal, I suppose. Too much to think through right now.
Coupon day, and another pile came in. Seriously, I am so overstocked on groceries right now I will have to send most off. I am out of Downy, which is a pain because I specifically asked DH to check if we were out and he said we had too much, so of course I go to do laundry today and nada. The one thing I am never able to stockpile sufficiently is laundry products.
Hopefully stopping smoking is going to cut the laundry down considerably, and I can get that part of the household back under control. The pup is chewing EVERYTHING now, though, especially fleece blankets and anything in sight, so quite a bit of slobbers to wash off.
So, 2006 total savings so far is $3253
2006 "extra income" so far is $2035.
I'm not counting rebates or gift cards until they are in my hand.
Posted in
January 14th, 2006 at 06:10 pm
Wasn't sure how much I was saving by getting the Brookstone Shure MP3 ear buds for DH. He is never without the Jens MP3 player, and he usually goes with Bose for the headphones and sound quality. But, I read up on the Shure, and they are rated extremely well.
DH says they are his FAVORITE gift of the season. They weren't on sale, although I received a $25 brookstone g/c for the order. But of dozens of gifts he received, they were the hit.
So, having a gift that is LOVED, that is a real savings. And a joy. Yeah!
Posted in
January 13th, 2006 at 10:32 pm
Not a huge savings today, but I had purchased 5 boxes of Total cereal with $5 coupons, getting an $8 in store rebate. Those boxes each had a $1 coupon, so today I went back to do it again, but they had a different Total on closeout. Hmmm. $1 a box and a $1 coupon on each...they wouldn't give me the $8 rebate though ;-)
Several of the new General Mills boxes are labeled with coupons inside, especially for the Brand New Day partnership. So, maybe I will take the $1 coupons and go back tomorrow for more free cereal and coupons. But where am I going to store all this cereal? Ah, the agonies of wanting to get great deals.
Got the coupon train started. Over an inch thick envie, so hopefully something for everyone. I forgot about the holiday Monday, no mail, and I definitely want to get the coupons around before they expire.
Tonight, I'd better get hopping. Turkey divan, use up the turkey and broccoli and cheddar. DH says to USE THIS UP BEFORE I BUY ANY MORE. But is it buying if it's free? Hmm...too philosophical.
Much more going on. Maybe I will breathe this weekend.
Savings today, $23.
Posted in
January 11th, 2006 at 11:20 pm
Yikes, the computer or internet or SOMETHING has been flaky all week, and I'm running so far behind on things! Have not even been able to read the forums, or check my usual sites.
Working on getting a coupon train together. Hate to waste them.
Connected with an old friend and received a $2K retainer. Nice.
Brief workout, brief meeting, brief puppy interaction. Dinner will be leftover turkey breast, potatoes, veggies. Maybe dump together a Turkey divan with the turkey and broccoli tomorrow.
Two rebates sent off. No new deals in today's mail.
Got to run after the pup!
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