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The agony of the unused super deal!

January 18th, 2006 at 11:34 pm

It happened. Seriously. Yesterday eBates doubled to 10% cash back at My credit card doubled to 10% back on drugstores. gives 5% rebate. And is having a clearance sale, 40-70% off!!!! All the stars aligned, so to speak.

I went through the sale list, but there was NOTHING that I needed. If I had a few hours, I could have searched through all the freebies with purchase and made myself feel worse, but really, I'm fully stocked, and nothing to buy. So, it happened. I logged off and stepped away from the deal.


Savings isn't saving if it isn't SAVING, and if I don't need it, it's just a waste. But oh, the agony!

2 Responses to “The agony of the unused super deal!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Think of it this way - by not buying anything, you just got a 100% saving Wink Better than a 70% saving in my book Smile

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I was just going to say that. You've saved the most of all. Smile

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