Home > If you are going to quit smoking, don't tell them!

If you are going to quit smoking, don't tell them!

February 5th, 2006 at 08:24 pm

Okay, I registered to receive cigarette coupons months ago. Nothing. Months. Nothing.

January I signed up with the quit smoking site, support, coupons off on gum and patches. For the last two weeks I have received a set of cigarette coupons EVERY day, different brand every day.

Somehow I don't think this was the purpose in requiring Phillip Morris to put a quit assist program on their web site. But there ya go...

1 Responses to “If you are going to quit smoking, don't tell them!”

  1. PrincessPerky Says:

    That is ironic! don't give up though, smoke free is cheaper and healthier!

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