Home > Trying to Play the Fiber One Fiber Friend Face-Off game...

Trying to Play the Fiber One Fiber Friend Face-Off game...

April 4th, 2009 at 08:48 pm

General Mills has a promotion, play the fiber one fiber friend face off (try saying that fast!), and get a $1 /1 coupon for Fiber One Chewy Bars. You also get entered to win $50 every day. But...I can print the coupon, no problem, but I'm clueless on how to get to the game!

Anyone else get it to work?

The bars are very tasty, so the coupon will be used, but I'd love to win the $50!

3 Responses to “Trying to Play the Fiber One Fiber Friend Face-Off game...”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Oops... ignore what I originally said! You meant the game, not the coupon!

    I had no problem getting to the game. I just registered and it took me there. It was annoying that EVERY field in the registration was required even though they weren't marked as required.

  2. flash Says:

    Maybe it's just me. I'm having a bear with it!

  3. guest Says:

    a good article....
    Text is click and Link is

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