Home > Karma - More Free Kashi coupons!

Karma - More Free Kashi coupons!

July 13th, 2006 at 08:36 pm

Well, I was happy that Kashi sent a second packet of their promotional coupons after I told them mine went in sixty seconds.

And, even though it's almost impossible to get a "FREE" product coupon accepted around here (coupon fraud worries, no printables, no frees)'s a bit humbling to give away dozens of FREE product coupons. Hoping it's $$$ saved for people learning to save.

I received a really nice surprise in today's mail. Kashi sent -- 6 FREE PRODUCT coupons! The promo packets only had one free product coupon, and 5 $1.50 off one item coupons, and receiving a second set to share was nice.

But, by giving away that one free product coupon...I've received 7 more!.

What goes around does come around, and what you give does come back abundantly...just not usually in coupons!

4 Responses to “Karma - More Free Kashi coupons!”

  1. Danielle Says:

    Your site offers some really great tips. I used to be a big time couponer and stopped but now I need to start all over again. Is there a way I can email you to ask a few questions? Thanks


  2. flash Says:

    I don't give out my email, but if you would like to PM me on the saving advice site, or send questions through, I'd be happy to provide whatever answers I have Smile

  3. Ja7046 Says:

    i am not finding your website easy to use. how do you print out the rebate forms and coupons?

  4. gregdove Says:

    Why not post how you got the free coupons!

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