Home > A Note on those Coupon Trains

A Note on those Coupon Trains

July 10th, 2006 at 10:09 pm

Since we have reduced the new coupon train members to only established savingadvice/blog/DAGG or other proven track records, the stress is less...but I'm still overrun with coupons! More so than ever.

If you have a wish a detailed list. Lisa's done a great job. 5 top items is great for sending around, but when I have 1000 coupons here, I need more guidance from everyone! What do you need?

DH is helping more...since he made all these categories for coupons (thanks Lisa, but don't give him any more ideas for categories!). He helped me fill out the welcome packets and new trains, and he went down everyone's list in great detail! He even pulled of few coupons out of MY private stash for someone, after deciding that WE probably wouldn't use them (that's one way to remove temptation Wink ). He really is that kind of a guy.

I've also started trading coupons our members can't use for one they need. Seems to be working fairly well.

So, let me know where to direct all these coupons!

And a reminder, email those companies! I emailed Pictsweet (thanks Lisa!) to compliment them on their products, and they mailed a thank you letter, with TWO coupons for free packages. (exp. 12.31.06)

3 Responses to “A Note on those Coupon Trains”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    Where should we list our wish lists?

  2. flash Says:

    Apologies, Saving Advice forum

  3. mikki Says:

    I saw this sight while looking to save money...and am wondring more about it? What do I have to do to become included in it, and what does the site entail??

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