Well, time to prepare Jeffrey for week 2 of couponing...the newspaper inserts! You can see by the schedule it's going to be a good weekend to check the papers for coupons.
P&G actually put out an insert last weekend, so probably a SmartSource and Vlassis weekend.
Picking up a local paper may not provide the best coupons, though. Papers vary, both with the subscriptions to different coupon magazines (inserts), and the promotions being offered. And, if there are GREAT coupons, he may want to discover a few inexpensive ways to pick up a few extras.
The details for getting the most from your weekend paper coupons are provided in the article
Getting the Most from Inserts
Of course, newspapers are only the start, and I'm sure he's already finding coupons in the stores, signing up for offers, contacting manufacturers...and all the other things we've described on the site.
The next few weeks should be interesting for all of us. The major expiration dates for coupon offers are always 6/30 and 12/31. So, while a multitude of coupons expired last week...that only means that the stores, newspapers, and manufacturers will be restocking with new offers and promotions. It doesn't happen overnight, product is stocked before coupons are, and ever store sales means restocking and reshelving to highlight promotions. But over the next few weeks, many more offers, and opportunities for savings, should appear.