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The Meat coupons, rebates, and mind games continue!

June 26th, 2006 at 11:02 pm

Pretty good day, other than not getting home in time to be online. So much to read, so little time!

Did indeed receive $21 check back from Novartis for the Lamisil I didn't like. They really seem to be a good company.

Meat, well...we have a $10 off $10 or more meat, Safeway, when purchase 5 Oral B items. I found the coupon in the pharmacy aisle, displayed with all the $10 - $20 packs of Oral-B and other products. Found the $1 each floss, bought 5 and a $14 back of meat reduced to $10.

Now, there is a rebate, $15 back with purchase of $20 meat, charcoal, and BBQ sauce.

Charcoal is half price this week, $3.99 a bag, have a $2 coupon, and a $2 rebate. But the rebate requires the receipt. So, that's a complete loop ($4 for product minus coupon minus rebate is free, but receipt is used).

Also have a buy charcoal, get free BBQ, and since charcoal is half price, that's pretty good, and fits the meat deal. And the $14 of meat receipt would count towards the meat purchase.

But we still have that $25 on $75 on meat, which I was so positive we would never use...purchase $75 in MEAT?????

But then Jeffrey asked me to show people how to cut costs shopping, so I did a free ham deal and a free chicken deal, and so much more, so now I have all these receipts, I probably have purchased that much meat! Yikes!

I have all you to thank for that, or DH does. He loves meat. Protein.

Of course, now we are having a bit of a disagreement...what to do with so much charcoal. Three years ago we were BBQing all the time, and bought up a bunch. DH left it under the BBQ cover over three winters of snow and ice, and three summers of heat and rain. So, *I* say it won't light, and we need to pitch (recycle). DH says it is still perfectly fine. We'll see...

In the meantime, he has been inspired to take the cover off, remove the wasp nests and what nots, and is scrubbing off the rust to refurbish and repaint. YEAH! BBQ! We've had POURING rain for two days, 7 inches in the last 24 hours, I think they said. I know it was 5 yesterday.

I spent the rest of the time in the store looking for the elusive Oreo coupon. A nice find, I posted, buy any two Oreos, any size, get $3.99 free milk. I didn't pick extra's up, because we don't eat oreos or milk, except when the kids are in. Turns out they are a hot item, and no one else seems to have them. So many requests.

The rest of the evening...chasing down coupon trains that have gone MIA.

Anyway, $75 to add to grocery challenge, and $26 dollars (haven't added in last one) to the $20 challenge.

Current savings:
2006 $20 challenge: $4802
2006 grocery savings: $6629

2 Responses to “The Meat coupons, rebates, and mind games continue!”

  1. Amorphous02 Says:

    Rant and Raves
    $75.00 on meat might seem like a lot , and given your talents,your hubbys co-operation, you will buy $150.00 worth meat. But a couple of BBQ/grilling parties with friends, and things will be fine.

    This is where I feel like ranting and raving.
    My hubby's impulse purchases are killing me.
    A trip to Walmart for wipes resulted in an expenditure of $74.00!!!
    He then looks at the bill and sulks.
    He turns into some kind of hungry maniac when he sees the freezer section.
    He buys a ton of bay food to ease his guilt of not spending enough time with the kid.
    We went to a Summer fest on an impulse and spent $30.00
    We spent $6.00 on the entrance fee for a picnic spot..
    We spent $10.00 on Taco bell: another impulse buy.
    All this time, i kept protesting that these were unplanned expenses.
    Last year the two of us were unemployed an d had to spend $40,00 without income. Savings are shot to..

    I on the other hand saved $90.00 in tthree weeks. My grocery bill thanks to Flash and Jeffrey is much smaller. I shopped twice, and broght back bare essentials.
    Even before came accross Flash's meticulous clear spreadsheets and photos of groceries, i was saving $15.00/per trip.

    Does any one face this situation?
    Please share.

  2. Amorphous02 Says:

    Correction : spent $40K out of savings.

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