Home > Mulching continues without me

Mulching continues without me

June 11th, 2006 at 12:13 am

DH offered to finish up the mulching without me, just around the bases of the I've been online getting through email and taking SURVEYs. Since I posted on the evil marketing of the unpaid survey, they swamped me with free product trial surveys, much to my delight. Actually, my arm is numb...too much time and the office is really set up for my DH, not my ergonomics.

He worked on the grape arbors, maybe we will have grapes planted some day. Blueberries are thick and full, and even though we've been having heavy downpours, quite a few of the fruit trees held their fruit. Quite a bit on the ground, too, but Ms. Deer will take care of that.

Dinner tonight was to be spinach salads, but I've changed to spinach omelets. Frig is still heavy laden.

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