Home > Free Coupons for Train Members!

Free Coupons for Train Members!

June 11th, 2006 at 09:14 pm

Just a reminder, if you are on a train, let me know if there is anything on my HAVE list

that you need...if I don't have 50 of something, I'm not always quite sure who needs it...especially if there are only two or three...and I hate seeing them come back expired from one train when someone else is begging for them later.

3 Responses to “Free Coupons for Train Members!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Hi Flash- If you haven't sealed the Pacific train yet, I would take the Advil PM Rebate form and the free milano cookies with goldfish coupn. But if you've sealed it already, it's no biggie.... Thanks a bunch! Ray

  2. Jeanette Says:

    Hi Flash,

    I love reading your entries, they are so inspirational and I have learned so much from you. I clip coupons every week but since I only shop for my husband and myself, and we mostly use the food coupons, we have lots of Pampers and pet food coupons etc. which we do not use and I really hope to pass them on to others who need them. How can I join your coupon train? We live in the Pacific Northwest.


  3. flash Says:

    Ray, of course they made it in Big Grin
    Jeanette, we do have two trains that run through your neck of the woods. If you are interested, you can sign up by posting at

    which is the savingadvice thread for signing up for the coupon trains. Would love to see you on board!

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