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Perspectives on My Super Saver Day

June 8th, 2006 at 07:41 pm

Tonight we eat salmon, asparagus, fresh corn on the cob, and mangos!

It's a strange perspective for me, personally. DivaJen, you asked about our spending...last year at this time, this would have been my weekly purchase, no sales, coupons, discounts, cash back cards and rebates to follow...

We had salmon at least once a week, steak, wonderful salads. To the mix, I would have added another $50 - 100 at Trader Joes, some DVDs from Costco.

The eye shadow compact from Costco, which I purchased after trying a free sample, well, that would have been at least $50 of MAC from Nordstrom. And I would not have tried it first, no time or interest, just pitch it if I didn't like it.

Yesterday DH and I both picked up additional items and put them in the cart...and then thought, what are we doing??? I don't need a 30 pack of post-its, just because I can't FIND the ones I purchased last time. They are somewhere in the house, probably buried by DH. He'll find them. We didn't need two boxes of Zone bars, when I can find them much cheaper elsewhere.

So, in contrast to last year, when we would have spent $500 a week easily, each and every week, because it was EASY, and would have tossed out anything that wasn't right, we have both changed our ATTITUDES. Takes a bit more time, thought, effort, and planning up front, but so much easier in the after math!

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