Home > Family Teamwork in SAVING and stockpiling

Family Teamwork in SAVING and stockpiling

June 8th, 2006 at 07:14 pm

Jeffrey got my husband's article up before he (Jeffrey) left for the US...

Grocery stockpiling, and savings, from my husbands perspective!

Text is My DH's Guide to Stockpiling and Link is
My DH's Guide to Stockpiling

Before you view the pictures...they were taken BEFORE yesterday's shopping and AFTER I have seriously been trying to use the stockpile up. And I do have other stashes that aren't getting under the bathroom sink!

4 Responses to “Family Teamwork in SAVING and stockpiling”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Great article...I bet a lot of people have concerns about how to store all of this stuff. The cabinet your hubby built is great. Maybe a future article could talk about other ways to maximize space in a small apartment/small fridge & freezer, etc. so that people realize they can find ways to do this.

  2. DivaJen Says:

    I agree - inspiring article, and the photos are helpful!
    I like mjrube's idea of addressing stockpiling when you don't have a stand-alone freezer, a garage, a pantry, etc etc etc....

    You're writing some great stuff! DH too. Smile

  3. flash Says:

    Hmmm...then I would have to confess to the bookcase currently filled with Ensure and Boost...

  4. flash Says:

    Hmmm...trying to figure out how to address OTHER people's space...we were pretty creative in San Diego, and even more in Sacramento..

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