Home > $2 on 1 Huggies coupons

$2 on 1 Huggies coupons

June 1st, 2006 at 07:54 pm

My store manager gave me a pile, I have no use for them, and I'm not clear on the trains who uses Huggies or not.

They are $2 on ANY Huggies item, including wipes, diapers, bath...

If you are on our trains and use Huggies or wipes or have this on your wish list, give me a heads up and I will include them in your train, or a separate mailing if needed.

3 Responses to “$2 on 1 Huggies coupons”

  1. Peter Says:

    hi there,
    I would love to get some from you!

  2. Sarah Says:

    If you have any left I would love some!


  3. amy Says:

    I would love as much as you can give because i am pregnant with quadruplets hopefully all girls "keeping fingers crossed". My husband doesnt want to find out until the delivery. Thanks so much

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