Home > $10K extra money?

$10K extra money?

June 1st, 2006 at 09:12 pm

Hmmm. I've been so busy lately, I haven't even taken time to evaluate how much I've saved since I joined this site and started FOCUSING on saving.

I just looked over at my info, and realized between the "extra money" from the $20 challenge and the "grocery savings", I've saved over $10,000 since Jan. 1.

That doesn't include all the savings realized since October 1, when DH and I started this savings challenge.

This is one of those strange examples, where a financial crisis turns everything around for an even larger financial success.

We had just become complacent, not focused on spending, but completely ignoring our ability to save. Then an error at the bank, and we were living on no income and no access to savings for 6 months. So, back to our roots. Coupons, sales, STOP BUYING, STOP WASTING. A bit more thinking. We priced out Rx and saved $1K a month. We canceled magazines and memberships; ones we wanted to keep we canceled and found other ways to have them for free. We checked out rates, our insurance costs, our credit cards. Insulated the attic for free. Bought energy saver light bulbs for almost free. So many ways that money needlessly slips away while ones back is turned.

So, DH started adding it up. Besides the $10K saved in grocerys and the extra income trickling in, we've saved an extra...

$15K, in addition to the $10K. That's $25K that we normally would have spent, SAVED in six months! And, even though we knew many of the things to do before I joined the site, we weren't doing them!

Saving Advice really inspired us to think outside the box, reminded us of what we should have already been doing, and gave us new ideas. Everyone in the community has provided such friendly encouragement, good advice, and much appreciated support.

I might add, this savings was DESPITE having some major life crises, health issues, unforeseen expenses, and many barricades to "success".

I should be celebrating, but I still have mulch to lay...I want to claim that $4500 savings on Spring gardening!

If I can offer any encouragement, it's DON'T GIVE UP. I have been through a whirlwind. Emotional fire storms. I mean, how many times do you find out you have cancer, your dog has cancer, your father is not your father but BTW he is dying, your family abandons you, you have no income or access to savings...I haven't been through nearly as much as many of you. But hopefully it's been enough that you can see that you can have some financial successes, even in tough times.

11 Responses to “$10K extra money?”

  1. kylieb266 Says:

    thats fantastic, yes it is a very supportive, encouraging environment

  2. annab Says:

    Wow! Congratulations! I've been a bit stressed and your encouragement is really helpful.

  3. DivaJen Says:

    Very encouraging post! Smile I love your blog.

    Out of sheer curioisty - how much money have you spent on groceries, given how much you've saved?

  4. flash Says:

    I very good question...I don't manage to get everything into the blog...DH's calculation, and a general summary of store tallies (they total for the year at the bottom of the receipts), we have saved just under $7K on groceries, and spent just under $2K. But, I have a huge stockpile, too, (despite his best efforts, almost free or free makes it's way in to the house Smile ). We could live for three months at any time without purchasing any groceries. I just submitted an article on that, or rather my DH did.

    However, that does not include his luxury items, like gourmet coffee, and my occasional bath gels from Yves Rocher.

    It also doesn't include the WASTE from last year, either...we purchased bulk Earthbound farms from Costco, ate fresh produce, and pitched everything at the end of the week, spending without thought, so to speak. We were SPENDING (embarrassed here) $500 A WEEK at Costco. DVDs, all that stuff. NOT SMART.

    So, TMI, but I haven't tallied all the spending, and compared to what we were spending...but I will ! A project for tonight...

  5. contrary1 Says:

    You can be the Grand Marshall for the SavingAdvice parade, IMO.

    Nicely done!!

  6. lrjohnson Says:

    I do hope you are proud; excellent, excellent work.

  7. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Congratulations! Very encouraging post! I love your blog.
    I find it encouraging and some of your posts are the one's that I print out and read at night.

  8. DivaJen Says:

    Fascinating - thanks for talking about it all!

  9. flash Says:

    Thanks. I asked DH about the numbers again, he said...I get ticked at myself if I pay more than 50%, and am not "happy" unless it's under 75%.

  10. flash Says:

    Well, more embarassed getting the Costco rebate today...except that added to the Rx savings, and will go to cover future Rx.

  11. Broken Arrow Says:


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