Home > Free Nexxus samples and a Money Back Guarantee

Free Nexxus samples and a Money Back Guarantee

May 31st, 2006 at 10:11 pm

We've all seen the free Nexxus samples from Walmart.

There is a separate kit, two trial size bottles, available from the Nexxus site. Even if you have received the WalMart samples, you are probably eligible to receive The Sampling Kit from Nexxus!

the link to the samples, from the Nexxus home site, is at

Text is NEXXUS SAMPLES and Link is

Nexxus also offers a money back guarantee...

Text is GUARANTEE and Link is

You can also join the Nexxus Team for additional promotions. You should know the routine by now Big Grin

2 Responses to “Free Nexxus samples and a Money Back Guarantee”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I just received both sets of my samples. I did sign up for both, wondering if they would honor both requests. Nice.

  2. dasenon Says:

    You can easily pay your
    Text is metro pcs pay and Link is
    metro pcs pay Bill Pay via online, over the phone, through the mail, or at select authorized payment centers.

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