Home > Free Manufacturers Grocery Coupons

Free Manufacturers Grocery Coupons

May 31st, 2006 at 09:48 pm

It has been quite a week. I've just sent out another 10 welcome packets with free coupons to our two new trains. Now to get the trains going.

I've received several "requests", or rather DEMANDS, to join trains this week. Two actually thought the coupon trains were simply a package of free grocery coupons that go around. Wait. That IS what it is.

Except that you have to have coupons to replace the ones that you take out.

Flash is NOT a freebie!

I am a hopefully nice person with many coupons, who knows how to get coupons easily. Not printables, but good solid manufacturers coupons. Coupons for free products. Rebates for free products. Coupons for significant savings on your groceries. Refunds.

Coupons are just fertilizer for the budget, though. They aren't magic beans that grow savings while you aren't looking. Significant savings, consistently reaching 50-100% off your grocery bill, requires getting coupons, teaming them with sales and rebates, and stockpiling the great deals so you don't waste money down the road, after the sale or coupon has expired.

We have a site to teach you how to do this. Step by step.

This is where the details on HOW and WHERE to get coupons, how to maximize your savings, how this whole system WORKS is located.

Me, I'm just a person. I just sent out 10 envelopes of coupons, at $10.77 of my money, to start two more trains. I'll be sending out the trains next week. I am HOPING that they are of great benefit to those that receive and use them.

I'm also hoping that everyone will use the site, and learn how to get great coupons specific to their needs for themselves.

My goal is not to feed you coupons for a day, but to teach you to fish for your own, and save for a lifetime.

So, join a train. But also use all the other techniques we are teaching you on the site. Otherwise, I'm just wasting web space.

3 Responses to “Free Manufacturers Grocery Coupons”

  1. LISA178 Says:

    Hi Flash,

    My name is Lisa and I was inspired to start using coupons by coming across your Blog. I've only been doing it a few months and have done a couple of trains that were disappointing. I have a small stockpile of coupons for sunday inserts and some manufactures from calls I've made. What are the requirements to get on one of your trains. Several people have told me they woudn't be disappointing.

  2. flash Says:

    Hi Lisa, and welcome.

    The first requirement for our trains is that you are a member of (the home of all these blogs Smile ). Membership is free, the benefit is that we post on the site to keep track of the trains, where they are, who needs what, etc.

    There is a waiting list sign up on the site, at

    from there you can PM me with any additional questions, and let me know what region of the country you are in so I can look for the right train for you.

    I hope to "see" you there!

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