Home > Bringing the Outside In Trends - for Free

Bringing the Outside In Trends - for Free

May 25th, 2006 at 04:41 pm

One of my closest friends recently purchased a floral arrangement for $500. Part of the "bringing the outside in" trend of home decor.

I thought she was, well...not spending wisely. I'm not one to judge, we all make our own choices and do things to the best of our own abilities, and personal tastes.

But, the last few days I've been crawling around the yard, laying down mulch. And, picking up the decor our bouncing squirrels have contributed: broken branches, leaves, pinecones, even a few plants they have pulled up and dried. I had a nice "trash pile" as my friend put it.

Now, however, she's a bit envious of my own new arrangements:

birch branches, with a few old silk stems, add height and drama to a very boring stairway corner...

...while a few pinecones and florals make a potpourri in a freshly scrubbed bird feeder.

Cost: a pound of peanuts for the squirrels.

Added value: Big Grin

2 Responses to “Bringing the Outside In Trends - for Free”

  1. LISA178 Says:


    My name is Lisa and I am new to the neighborhood.

    I think their lovely,and don't look like they cost only peanuts.

  2. flash Says:

    LOL, great comment!

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