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Coupons in stores today

May 24th, 2006 at 06:24 pm

$1 on one packages Breyers All Natural Fruit Bars, exp. 7/31/06
50 cents Sparkle Paper towels, exp. 7/16/06
50 cents Huggies Baby Wipes, exp. 8/31/06
$1 Oralb toothbrush, exp. 7/18/06
$1 Oral B power toothbrush, exp. 7/18/06
$1 on 4 Beech Nut Table Time, exp. 9/30/06
55 cents one Nestle Nesquik Milkshake or milk, exp. 6/24/06

$10 refund dog grooming (Cesar dog food) exp. 10/14/06

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