Home > today


May 12th, 2006 at 10:53 pm

Not much happening today, although I've been working!

DH is planting more replacements. Takes hours for a few, since the ground is hard and tree roots are thick.

The article on couponing fundamentals is posted:

Text is Couponing Fundamentals and Link is
Couponing Fundamentals

An article explaining all those in-store coupon finds, and where to find them, should be out soon.

I've been collecting info today, loads of lists on brand contacts, newsletters, and sources of coupons. There is just so much to say! And type...ouch!

3 Responses to “today”

  1. markio26 Says:

    thanks flash for all the hard work and posting this info....

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Ditto on the thanks. The DW and I planted some grass seed. The ground had to be broken up and boy did we have a workout!

  3. flash Says:

    You are welcome, and thank you!

    Grass...covering with straw or something to protect it does help...I still ache just thinking about how much work it was!

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