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spending a little and saving alot

May 8th, 2006 at 08:18 pm

DH and I are still catching up on all those little projects. Today is rainy and cool, so up into the attic to get that insulation in! He asked me NOT to join him this time, something about me still being a bit sick, and the possibility of my fainting or otherwise falling through the ceiling. DON'T ADD TO THE PROJECT LISTS!

He did run out of insulation Big Grin so, off to Home Depot for a small amount more. Also picked up some fertilizer, twine, and a second pitch fork. Lesson of the NOT try to SHARE one pitchfork with someone else while you are both trying to put down mulch with it...OUCH.

So, $98.28, and had the $100 gift cards from MyPoints, so NOTHING SPENT! The trick of using those cards is to not spend extra money!

Then, a quick run into the grocery; Birds Eye on sale 40% off, plus coupons...saved $32, paid $12.

Rebates came today, $60, and another $12 in surveys. That brings totals up to...

Current savings:
2006 $20 challenge: $4174
2006 grocery savings: $5825

Not counting the home depot, as it's not groceries, and I spent the cards, so not adding to anything.

Pot roast is in the dutch's not a savings if you throw it out, in my book. I'll throw in the carrots, onion, and potatoes later. Leftover onions...onion soup! Yum!!!

1 Responses to “spending a little and saving alot”

  1. markio26 Says:

    pot roast sounds delicious... i can almost smell it simmering... i love gcs i earn from mypoints and discovercard... it really helps the budget....

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