Home > in today's paper...a few surprises!

in today's paper...a few surprises!

May 6th, 2006 at 07:52 pm

Everyone knows to look for the *4* inserts today/tomorrow...but there are a few surprises, too!

First, Safeway is inserting their picnics brochures, which has a fold out on the back cover for $1 on O organic, and two other safeway coupons.

Second, Glide has a free sample, with a note to look for the coupon in the P&G insert.

Third...Rite Aid has a manufacturer's rebate for TRY IT FREE on Nice and Easy color booster, and several other things.

Make sure you skim through ALL the circulars, quite a few have MANUFACTURER rebates and coupons! Good at any store, but you won't find them unless you look in their ad!

2 Responses to “in today's paper...a few surprises!”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    Sneaky stores. I'll be sure to look......but I won't be getting to them until Wed this week......... Thanks for the heads up.

  2. markio26 Says:

    wag has a health allergy booklet, full of med cpns, right next to the allergy display.. real nice.

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