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coupons in today's store and mail....

May 6th, 2006 at 07:47 pm


75 cents on Egg Beaters, exp. 6/30/06
50 cents on Slammers milk, exp. 11/30/06
50 cents on Texas Toast, exp. 8/15/06
50 cents on Heinz Ketchup, exp. 5/28/06
$1 on 3 Kraft Natural Cheeses, exp. 5/28/06
75 cents on Freschetta Pizza, exp. 8/14/06
$1 on 2 Vlassic, exp. 5/31/06
$1 any Huggies diapers, 5/28/06
$1 any Huggies Little Swimmers swimpants, exp. 8/31/06
$1 any Pampers swimpants,
50 cents on 2 Yoplait yogurt, exp.6/19/06
55 cents any Lysol cleanser, exp. 6/19/06
50 cents on Bumble Bee salmon pouch, exp. 9/30/06
25 cents Dixie plates, exp. 6/04/06
$1 ANY 3 General Mills cereals, exp. 6/19/06
$1 on 3 Healthy Choice meals, exp. 5/27/06
55 cents on BlueBunny, exp. 5/31/06
30 cents on LandoLakes Buttery spread, exp. 7/31/06
55 cents on Athenos or Digiorno cheese, exp. 6/30/06
$1 Cottonelle TP, exp. 8/13/06
$1 any one 4 pk or larger Scott TP, exp. 8/13/06
50 cents any one 4 pk or larger Scott TP, exp. 8/31/06
$1 ground beef with one Hamburger Helper - exp. 6/30

$1 any Prairie Grove Farms pork product, exp. 2/01/07
$1 on 3 Chapstick, exp. 12/31/06

$4.50 rebate Bayer products
$1 off one Stoned Wheat Thins and One Athenos Feta Cheese (okay to double) - exp. 5/31

Free Frig pack coca-cola with 3 card purchase, exp. 05/30/06
Free 7.5 oz Nabisco cookies with 3 card purchase, exp. 05/30/06
Free votive candle set with 3 card purchase, exp. 5/30/06

$1 ANY one Tom's Main product, exp. 12/31
(combined with FREE $20 oral health program and journal from Tom's; for every request received they will donate $10 to a community dental clinic! look for loose coupons for the free, or tear pads for the combo of coupon and free offer.)

Loose piles

$1 off one any Morning Star Farms product -- exp. 7/31
$1 off Two packages any Eggo product - exp. 7/31

$1 Maple Grove Farms dressings - exp. 10/31
$1 Oceanspray juice exp. 05/31/06

In boxes:
SPECIALLY MARKED BOXES, the outside says to look inside for up to $10 in savings.
I did. You have to take the box apart, the offers are printed in light gray on the inside of the box. It was worth it! There is another rebate form to receive $10 in coupons....

And a $1 coupon inside EACH BOX!

The rebate for coupons expires 10/31; the coupon expires 12/31/06

In free samples:

The "free Greenie" for dogs comes with a $25 coupon booklet on pet products...they are doublable (? meaning NOT marked DND), and range from $1 on greenies to manufacturer coupons for free products.

In the John Frieda new freebie, $1 on any products, exp. 10/31/06

Get the free Earth's Best baby food sample? Unfold the brochures to find 6 coupons on Earth's Best products.

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