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today we make fajitas!

May 4th, 2006 at 05:56 pm

Well, DH had another 100 yards of mulch delivered, so that is going to take up the day. I am NOT good at preparing dinners after a full day of physical labor!

So, my trick the last year has been to pre-fix everything in the morning, before I do anything else. Today I sliced up the onions, meat, bell peppers, broccoli for a side dish; made sure we had a can of tomatoes and some seasonings; shredded a block of cheese I SERIOUSLY needed to use up. Checked that the sour cream was still good, tossed one thing of some rice dish DH had made not so recently. (oaky, maybe another pound out the door).

Tonight ... FAJITA's! Even if I'm too tired to hold a spatula, DH and I can work it together from this point.

4 Responses to “today we make fajitas!”

  1. Princessperky Says:

    I do that! I thought I was the only silly one, I do all the prep I can early, because guarantee the hour before dinner is when my kid wants on my hip, or my other kid needs help in the potty, or whatever, you name it it goes worng an hour before dinner!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I do it, too, only I chop up the whole week's worth of veggies at a time. I try to prep meat when I get from the store so then two day's worth goes in the fridge and the rest of the prepped meat goes in the freezer and I pull out what I will need the next day when I get up in the morning of the current day, or there is always micro defrost. I've found that the veggies always are the most time consuming thing. Plus if I chop them all up at once, I am able to toss the throwaway bits on the compost pile, and package the good bits, and then they take up less room in the veggie drawer.

  3. flash Says:

    Princess, not silly, brilliant! I waste more produce if I wait to fix it at night, I just never get "around to it". Those veggies take time!

  4. markio26 Says:

    i chop my veggies as i use them.. sometimes in the am or pm for the next day.. i used to do it a week at a time, but, it did not seem to stay as fresh.. anyway, i drain all of the water off the veggies from rinsing them clean, place in a plastic container, and add a folded clean papertowel on top, then apply the plastic lid, then invert and place into fridge.. keeps them fresh..
    if i am gonna use the veggies for guests, i chop them in the am and leave them in ice water in the plastic container with lid and place in fridge.. keeps them super fresh and crisp touse for supper.

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