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Weeks challenge and daily news

May 2nd, 2006 at 08:31 pm

I realized that DH and I have gotten out of our habit of the weekly challenge. Starting it up in October, it was one of the most successful savings things we've done. Then came the holidays, and the crises, and things fell by the way side.

But, it's time to get back in the game!

So, this week is CLEAN UP savings time. By that I mean simply getting all those "need to" little things out of the way. Rebates that need to be sent, memberships we need to cancel, organizing and filing. Just the little things that add up until they make a major blockade for doing any of the BIG things.

Today, renewed the driver's license. It did take time, had to go to the eye specialist to have the form filled out and signed, had to get a picture taken and all that. Had some scripts refilled so we can send in the rebate coupons. Worked a bit in the yard watering, trimming, and mulching. Keeping the plants alive is one of the big money savers; the year of the assault, we let everything go, and have been replacing and trying to reestablish them ever since. Major cost for NOT doing something!

Hopefully we will get some of the home projects done this week too. We've already "purchased" all the supplies (FREE last December)...but it's wasted money if we don't use it!

So...that's our challenge for the week.

1 Responses to “Weeks challenge and daily news”

  1. frugal02 Says:

    Flash, I am a tad curious: Do you grow vegetables? That , I hear will eventually save a lot. Also, buying Feta for $1.00 is genius.

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