Home > Busy day, happy garden

Busy day, happy garden

May 1st, 2006 at 09:00 pm

Spent the afternoon trying to get caught up on watering the garden. DH is putting down mulch. We need more rain!


First, we noticed while we were at Costco yesteray that the Radio Shack there is going out of business. It's a county away, but I had to drop some new scripts off at Costco today, so we stopped in to Radio Shack. Picked up a router DH had seen online for $100, was $80, then 10% discount, then a coupon for $10 off. Then loads of batteries he uses, $20 EACH, and got them for $14. encourage customers to continue using Radio Shack, the company is giving out $10 off $20 purchase at any other store, good until the end of September! That's a 50% sale if we need something in the future. Nothing for now.

Dropped by the store today, as long as we were out, and they gave me a packet of coupons for Keeping It idea how she can possibly use that many, but I look forward to seeing her savings go up!

DH actually agreed to go with me to Bed Bath and Beyond. He hates shopping. But he loves cheese bread, and the cookie sheet I've been using for 20 years folded in half while scrubbing it last night. But...we had a 20% coupon, and still had the $50 g/c from the last super savings purchase, and $40 g/c from trial memberships (should have signed up for more, I guess!). So, got a very nice Calcephon dutch oven, two jelly roll pans, and a super heavy duty cookie sheet. $150 down to $45.

And for the first time in my life I have really good pans!!! Can't wait to cook!

From the organic sites, received a pile of coupons from Barbara affiliates, and THREE FREE product coupons for Odwalla, a coupon for anything from Hunt's, and several coupons for free bags of dog food. A free Cooking Light cookbook. And a bunch of other stuff.

And, FINALLY, another $5 rebate from DeSani. That's the only item I will count towards the challenge, and not until it's actually in the bank.


The Omaha steaks came, so time to try the new cookware. Better see what from the stockpile will round out the meal.

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