Home > go organic for earth day!

go organic for earth day!

April 25th, 2006 at 11:38 pm

It's earth day...and to celebrate,

is providing a free organic product coupon booklet.

For more information about the campaign, or to get your FREE copy of the Go Organic! for Earth Day Coupon Book, contact the organizatio at:
PHONE: 612-377-1142 or 1-866-I-GO-ORGANIC (1-866-446-6742)


For more info about the coupon booklet, go to their home page, click on about us, then click on the coupon booklet link at the left.

Happy Earth Day!

1 Responses to “go organic for earth day!”

  1. DivaJen Says:

    Thanks for the tip - I sent them an email.

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