Home > Arizona beverage coupons

Arizona beverage coupons

April 24th, 2006 at 06:48 pm

I just purchased Arizona iced tea in the big plastic bottles. But when I went to open it, I realized it looked a bit cloudy.

I emailed Arizona Beverages, and received an email back:

Thank you for your email. We are sorry that you had a problem with one of our products and would like to speak to you about it in more detail. Please contact our customer service department at 1-800-707-5862 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4: p.m. EST. Please keep the package as there is a code number we need in order to tell where it was packaged. Again, we do apologize for the problem.

I Hate Phone Calls...

But I did. The woman was extremely nice. She is sending packaging so I can return the product and receive a refund.

She also mentioned that MOST people call to complain that they can't get the large plastic bottles opened (they are sealed extra tight because tea is sensitive to contamination)...

and they have $1 coupons to compensate for the irritation! They also have $1 for the bottles. They reward for compliments, too!

So for those of you who ask HOW DO YOU GET THOSE COUPONS?

this is how. Big Grin

8 Responses to “Arizona beverage coupons”

  1. thomas Says:

    i tried your arizona stress tea, it was very good. i compliment the taste, not an over bearing taste. it did actually relax me, not to the point where i wanted to sleep, i was kick back. i am goning to get more of it for me for my lunch/break when i'm working, i can use something to relieve the stress at work. even if it's just a little.
    thank you

  2. pat mele Says:

    I have been drinking your Decaf, diet green tea in large bottles. We drink 2 to 3 bottles a week and find it to be both refreshing, and good tasting, and feel it has some good health values for us.
    I must comment that you sure fill those bottles to the brim, making you feel your getting your money worth.

  3. Joanne Yatsko Says:

    Dear Arizona Tea:

    I LOVE your Arizona Tea with ginsing and honey. I have been purchasing it for years! It's the only beverage I drink. In my home you will always find cases of this product in cans, plastic bottles and gallon containers. I only have one request - and that would only be to better your product: Can you not add high fructose to this product? I am aware that SWISS makes a green tea with ginsing and honey without high fructose. I may have to change products. Okay, now it's your turn to keep me as a valued customer. I await your response. Thank you.

  4. elyse silva Says:

    Iwould like coupons for arizona diet green tea are the avabile?

  5. Alice Jackson Says:

    I recently tried some of the Arizona Southern Style tea at an art class. Me, being a girl totally living in Georgia, found this tea nearly as good as any I have had here. Of course, my Mama made the best tea in the world!!! God rest her soul.
    Thank ya'll for making such good tea!

  6. darleene Says:

    I can not found the grape,lemon,orangeaide.Well the fruit flarovred juice drinks.And i would like coupons.I real like your drinkes and ice tea.I never try it . But then i did it was the best. Thank you Darleene

  7. nickol Says:

    I love your teas and my husband drinks them at work on his breaks ,my kids enjoy the fruit punch, But I cant find coupons and would love some. thank you

  8. Roena Says:

    I love your Arizona green tea and since my husband is now it, I need coupons to help me buy more. Thanks for a very good product.

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