Home > A Rollercoaster week for Spending and Saving

A Rollercoaster week for Spending and Saving

April 8th, 2006 at 06:18 pm

I'm back!

It has been a wild week. The computer crashed Thursday, Friday 3 am we left for the airport, 18 hours later we were at the hotel by my parents. Spent the day, Saturday, with them, and caught a flight back on Sunday, getting in Monday morning.

I've said it before, but there is nothing like a crisis to throw savings to the wind. DH made all the travel arrangements, and he did a great job. Until we got to Hertz. Now I know perfectly well that our insurance covers rental cars. But, DH being very tired and grumpy and not looking forward to me falling apart upon seeing my father, took not only the liability and collision but even the medical insurance from Hertz! More than doubled the cost per day. And was in NO mood to be challenged on it.

Hotel, we had a great deal through the airline, who unknown to us used expedia. Of course, the clerk asked us to confirm we booked through expedia (for their rate) and DH said no. She almost fainted. We did get it straightened out.

One benefit to traveling, especially on weekends, is, well, COUPONS. The first weekend of the month is when all the inserts come out, and the local paper had the P&G Saver. 11 of them, actually Big Grin The airport had several newsstands, with the advantage that we could browse through to see which ones had coupon inserts, and for $1 a paper get the maximum number of coupons. There are, of course, all the discarded papers, and coupons, left behind by travelers who have boarded their flights. And always the traveling businessmen who just can't be bothered with these silly things falling out of their papers.

So, a good day for the coupon trains!

But the flights, hotel, rental car, and even parking for the weekend (DH used the closest parking, not the cheapest), ran up quite an unexpected bill. Add in the kennel (DH felt pretty guilty about putting a new pup in a kennel, so signed him up for 5 walks a day, spa treatment, which literally cost more per day than MY hotel!!!). ACK.

So, Monday we crashed, picked up the mail, the dog, etc. Tuesday, well, computer and I were both down for the count. Wednesday, computer was still down. Agony! I borrowed a browser, logged in to find 400 emails, and, well, managed to sort through enough to get the info I needed to get the coupon trains out.

Thursday we dropped off the last coupon train at the post office, and as we pulled out of the parking lot, the driver's side window fell in and would not come back up. DH was not amused. Personally, I was giving thanks that it had NOT happened at the airport -- how would I explain to my family we could not fly out because the car could not be locked up -- or any other time. We were 1/2 mile from the dealership. Drove it over, and while DH had a meltdown, it was my turn to step up. We needed a tail light fixed, but we did not need the 75000 maintenance done, as we had part done last year, and the sparks had just been changed when we had the engine light problem a few months ago. I noticed the rebate forms for brakes and shocks and picked a few up, saw the banner that if you mentioned to the sales person you would receive 10% off, all the things DH was too exhausted and stressed out to notice. Turned out the brakes were shot, and quite a bit of work had to be done. But, I remember that our maintenance agreement came with a borrowed/rental car, and held them to it.

He had already decided to buy a new computer. That scam a few months ago was still generating problems, and the laptop was getting old. We had previously done a deep clean search for the money jar -- DH dumps change whereever, even in boxes still packed from his old office. Also a few penny jars and coin jars, add in $200 for old travelers cheques from DH's last trip to the Hague, and my old foreign currency I had never converted back from Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand...and we had $900.

From the g/c and other offers, I had $120 in Circuit City gift cards. They also had a sale, and a discount, and stacked rebates totally $400. So, we invested in a new computer without putting too much more on the credit cards.

While they were setting up our new system (came with the package), we had 90 minutes to spend. So of course we went couponing! Piles of new offers and coupons. I almost wish I hadn't sent the trains out. (Actually, one coupon train package was over one pound of coupons, so I don't think I could afford to have sent more, but still, great coupons!).

I'll post the findings later.

Friday we decided we needed a new power conditioner/backup system, and while we were there picked up a new laptop for DH. Came with a free printer and $400 in rebates.

So, for the first time in a VERY long time, I have $ against my credit cards.

The good news is, the CD matured yesterday, so the money is freed up to pay the debt off. But you know, it's really uncomfortable having $8-10K on credit cards!

If we hadn't been cutting costs, prescriptions, groceries, clothing, for several months, this week would have ruined us. And these things happen to everyone. If you need an incentive or a reminder for the importance of saving, ask yourself how you would handle my week in review. Family crisis, emergency travel, car breaking, computer breaking, life coming full blast. Nothing to plan for, but something to prepare for.

Now that I've used up our reserves and exhausted my ideas, I've got to start from scratch, preparing and saving. So I'd love to have some advice from everyone else, how DO you prepare for these things, and what are some fresh ideas on how to handle them when they come up?

Good luck to all, and thank you all again for your warm wishes.

3 Responses to “A Rollercoaster week for Spending and Saving”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Look at the bright week can't possibly be as bad as this week was (knock wood...). Glad to see you back.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I think the main thing is to stop thinking of your week as unusual. Unfortunately, LIFE happens and we all get our share of difficult weeks. The only thing we can change is how we learn to handle such difficulties. And, the only way to get better at this is practice. Vicious circle, huh?? We all need to plan for the kind of week you had, adding more to our "Life Happens" fund all the time!

  3. baselle Says:

    Its a good thing that one of you was even and took up the slack when the other was stressed. I think the big thing to think about is what do you do when you both are hot and stressed. My fresh thing is to remember that you can and sometimes have to triage and finagle. Better to go without for a few days than to spend blindly and quickly when things get hot.

    I noticed a lot of, "as long as we are spending for this we might just as well spend for that" spending. The "that" will kill you.

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