Home > $20 challenge grows in midst of chaos

$20 challenge grows in midst of chaos

April 8th, 2006 at 07:48 pm

Well, despite all the crises around, the mail box has been filled with rebates and rewards. Insiders-club rebates, shopping rebates, club rebates, survey payments, and even a new contract for a few hours of time. $72 to be deposited. Will have to do the totals later.

I have to get caught up with memberships, offers, and reinbursements. Not having the computer for email, rebate forms, and all the other info required for getting back money has been a pain. DH overtaking the computer and dislodging my carefully organized space, well, I've probably lost a few gift cards in the piles. But, I'll get caught up.

I hope :0

For the person that asked, the insider-club trial is $1 for a month, the standard monthly fee is $6 a month. You can claim up to $250 a year in S&H, plus $500 in return shipping I believe. Also, make sure you sign up for the Access card, free with membership. Access is usually I think $20 a month (not sure), but is part of your insiders-club benefit and gets discounts on movie tickets, restaurants, loads of coupons for say $1 sub at the local convenience store, as many as you want, etc.

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