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down but not out!

April 5th, 2006 at 08:01 pm

Hi everyone!

My computer has crashed, I spent a wild weekend on planes flying east coast to CA and back Friday-Sunday (!), and DH is working on rebuilding my computer. Maybe buying new with the money we've found! I'll post on that later. Right now I'm on a borrowed line, but wanted to let you know I appreciate all your comments and I'm going to get back to answering them and boring you all with my musings soon!

Thank you all for the kind wishes. It was wonderful seeing my father, impossible saying good-bye for the last time, and not knowing when he will pass. Quite a whirlwind of emotions.

Of course, promptly became ill when I got home...for those of you looking for humor in savings...(graphic icky warning!!!): Have you seen the commercial recently where the man refuses to hang up a phone call, even though the stove catches fire?

Well DH is working on my computer. I'm simultaneously coughing, sneezing, throwing up into a garbage can while stuck on the toilet peeing and pooping. I want DH to come hold my head and give me something better to throw up in. He hands me a plastic bag and informs me he has just spent 30 minutes on automated calls, paid $65 for a one time tech support phone call, and he is not hanging up! Now that is disciplined savings.

Or he just didn't WANT to hold my head while I was sick Smile.

Blog to you later.

Thanks again for the kind words and prayers.

11 Responses to “down but not out!”

  1. PrincessPerky Says:

    Aww you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Get better!!

  3. mjrube94 Says:

    Glad to see you back...hang in there!

  4. midlight21 Says:

    Oh, that has got to really suck. I'm sorry you're so sick and I hope you get better soon!

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad...and then for you to get so sick on top of it...boy....take care of yourself....this is one time in your life when you need to really take care of YOU.

  6. katwoman Says:

    Man....I was worried when I hadn't seen any posts by you. Was just about to email you when I saw you last posted yesterday. Take care.

  7. flash Says:

    Hmmm...only I could have a goodle ad for the top 10 toilets on my blog site!

  8. flash Says:

    Thanks to all. Back on line, sort of.

  9. DivaJen Says:

    Good to see you back again. I'm sorry about your father. I imagine it must be a difficult and painful situation to be in.

    Hope you are feeling better, physically, now.

  10. PRICEPLUS Says:


    It really stinks being sick while other craziness is occuring in your life. It gets better if you just hold on and keeping moving forward! hat is the way I am dealing with it. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  11. carol Says:

    I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Poor baby, I can almost feel your misery from here. Take care, and I wish you better health very soon.

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