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Freebies stash for company!

March 16th, 2006 at 09:20 pm

I've said before, I'm not much of a freebie person. But, I've found some neat benefits from ones I've signed up for.

Today, sister is full of antibiotics and meds. Still coughing and feeling rotten. Enter the packages of ColdEeze and cough drops. Aches and pains - samples of aspiring, motrin, Tylenol.

We receive company and overnight guests regularly. Business, pleasure, friends and family. I always keep a basket of toiletries and other needs in the guest room and guest bath.

Now enter the freebies. There are post-it notes by the bed, disinfecting wipes, pledge wipes, sewing kit, activity books for the kids, crayola packs, and on and on. Sleep aids, vitamins, calcium, any common item that might be needed.

Bathroom, samples of shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, deodorants, soaps, cotton swabs, toothbrush and paste, floss. Make up and skin care.

There are also formula samples, sippy cups, baby wipes, little things left after my miscarriage, but nice for guests!

I've always kept "trial size" products, as I traveled over 100,000 miles each year. The trial size freebies are very nice preparing for travel.

My challenge this year has also been to find cheaper products. I'm allergic to fragrances and chemicals, as is my sister, so when I find a product that works for me, no matter how expensive, I usually keep with it. I've bought several large sizes of different brands, and found the cheaper stuff to be a waste, since it has to get tossed out. But with the freebie samples, I am trying things before buying (isn't that the idea?), and have found several products I love that are MUCH less expensive than what I was spending.

I still don't grab up every freebie that shows up. But ones that I can use are great!

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