Home > pup gets worse

pup gets worse

December 8th, 2005 at 10:40 pm

MD called, they are transferring pup from the vets to a place 40 miles away to do an ultrasound tomorrow. Hearts breaking, and costs escalating.

Will have to see what comes next.

Still no word from my surgeon, so I'm assuming all is well on that front.

I did get another check from Zyrtec today, $10. That was nice. Worked a bit on cleaning out freebies/coupons. Have been through top down to food/cooking. Not quite ready to tackle health. Some of these offers are so old the domains are up for grabs. Nice to keep my mind off things, though. Not as great as going in to work, but I'm getting used to it.

Think it's time for a nice hot tub bath. Snow storm is coming tomorrow. So, I'll have plenty of at home time to deal with things.

1 Responses to “pup gets worse”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    ((hugs)) Hope everything is alright soon!

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