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one more tip

December 6th, 2005 at 04:41 pm

A favorite thing, once you place an order and get on the mailing list for a site, you don't have to respond or even read everything they send. But, for quite a few sites, if you have not ordered in a year, they will send you some ridiculously good deal to get you back.

Coldwater Creek did this for me two or three years ago, when they still had their outlet, and sent me 40% off everything including the outlet. I purchased a $250 Denali blanket on clearance with discount for $30. I gave it to a charity auction, and then kicked myself when I wanted one and could not find it for a discount ANYWHERE.

Ross-Simons is traditionally great for after holiday sales, and if you have ordered from them, they will let you know when they start so you can get in quick. Tip - don't just look at the "specials" they show you when you log onto the site. Click on show all sales or clearance or whatever, and sort by price, cheapest first. Two years ago I picked up $500 of jewelry for all the women/girls gifts the following Christmas for only $45. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.

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