Home > another week, another savings challenge

another week, another savings challenge

December 4th, 2005 at 07:21 pm

We did GREAT on last weeks challenges. The holidays for all 25 members of our out of state family is taken care of, purchased, packaged, mailed. I still need to tally up the overall costs and savings. I will be happy to respond to the comment to provide more detail on different online discount methods that really paid off this year. Later.

This week's challenge for us is to go through all the Medicare Part D forms, advice, plans, etc., and get it sorted out for everyone in my family. AGH. But, well worth doing. I'm really interested to see what our projected savings will be, since everyone's meds have been SO high this year.

But, that can wait for tomorrow, when the medicare site is not so busy. Getting on is impossible!

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