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finished holiday shopping for the family!

December 1st, 2005 at 07:18 pm

Okay, we have FINISHED gifts for everyone except each other. Things are ready to ship. I DID get caught up in emotions a bit, and spent more on my father and mother than anticipated. But I love them, and there is so little I can do from the east coast to let them know I'm with them. DVDs and diabetic food will help my Dad pass the time and hopefully eat a bit, and the warm smells of cinnamon buns and gingerbread in the Philosophy products will remind my Mom of the special childhood times we spent.

I did go through eBates, use online coupons, free shipping, free gifts with purchase, discount sources, etc., to get the cost of their gifts down from $620 to $95.

Also, my ex-SIL, I love, and I'm tucking in the Yves Rocher snowflake throw and rose lotion and other free wtih purchase for $90 to FREE.

Now I just have to total it all up, ship, and get on with hubbies gifts!

1 Responses to “finished holiday shopping for the family!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I commend you! You certainly are a great shopper. Can you detail how you strategized your purchases to get them so cheap? I'm great with B&M stores, but the whole internet shopping thing seems too complicated.

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