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this week's challenge

November 27th, 2005 at 01:25 pm

Well, of course hubbie and I must receive and ship everything to complete last week's challenge, so that has rolled into this week.

Also, we are really feeling the NEED for the insulation in the attic. I finally received a 10% off everything coupon from Home Depot, we have a $100 g/c from MD's bday, and Home Depot has a rebate on insulation, $75 off every $250. Sounds expensive, and outer wall/attic insulation is! The higher the number/insulation factor, the more it costs. MD is calculating out how much we need. I already priced it, so hopefully we will have a good idea of the costs before we purchase.

So this week - finish up the gifts to CA, and purchase insulation. Hopefully install the insulation, but we need to put decorations up inside and out, and with medical and all, that may be pushing it. We'll see.

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