Home > temptations!


November 14th, 2005 at 09:53 pm


Did not get much done today. Might actually be a "loss" savings day. Haven't checked the mail today.

Had a doctors appointment in town (30 miles) and took advantage of the trip to go to Gloria Jeans, which is the only coffee MD likes. Bought 5 pounds decaf, used our GJ rewards card to earn a free pound, came home and found out it is regular. We drink lots of regular, but just don't spend that kind of money on it. In the morning, it's not really the flavor we are after. Come to think of it, we may be too tired to even taste it. Hmmm...another potential savings....

Dropped by Target on the way to pick up the dogs prescription. Wanted to pick up a notebook to start organizing some of these savings, notes, rebates, paperwork. Why does saving create so much paperwork?

Anyway, picked up a Mead binder, saw on line there is a contest to win gift cards with Mead UPCs. Now I want more Mead stuff so I can win a $100 gc. Odds are totally unlikely, but it is just so tempting sometimes. And I do need another organizer...

It is difficult to stay on task and focused on savings when I am thinking I have to see a surgeon tomorrow and would rather spend money to distract myself. Have to check out the latest freebies instead. Just as good.

Was thrilled Karen agreed to give everyone free coffee table books. She was thrilled for the opportunity to let people know about her program. Win win!

Better check the mail and see if there isn't something in there to redeem my savings quota for the day!

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