Home > Reducing Rx costs - Pill Splitting

Reducing Rx costs - Pill Splitting

May 18th, 2006 at 06:49 pm

Pill splitting is a great way to reduce your prescription costs. Always check with your doctor AND pharmacist before splitting pills! Never split an extended or time released tablet!

Pill splitting is simply purchasing a large size tablet, and cutting (spliting) it in half. Pills that can be easily split are scored (have a line indent running down the middle of the pill) which aids in the ability to snap them in two (along the line).

For example, instead of taking 3 50mg tablets of Zoloft each morning, pill splitting would allow you to take 1.5 100 mg tablets. The cost savings?

90 50mg tablets (one month of 150mg each day) are priced at $310. 50 100mg tablets (one month of 150mg each day) are priced at $182. SAME DOSE, DIFFERENT PRICE!

Adding this information, go back to your list, and consider what pills might be available in larger sizes that can be split. We'll look into this more later. For now, let's add some possible pill split savings into our table.

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