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Men Don't Buy Tampons and other Budget Busters

April 8th, 2006 at 09:02 pm

Keeping costs down, and staying within a budget, can be overtaken by events (OBE) fairly easily. Even with the best intentions, things happen.

When I was newly married, maybe 6 months into this adventure, I kept us on a very tight budget. It wasn't easy, we were both post-grad, and while others were taking copious notes on molecular breakdowns of disease patterns, I was filling the margins of my notebook with menus, shopping lists, and other planning. Superwife in training.

One week, I pulled back to back 36-hour shifts. And, I ran out of tampons. DH, however, was heading out to Longs Drugs to pick up some film, so I asked him if he could pick up a package of tampons.

The blood drained from his face.

Now, we'd shopped together for six months, he'd been physically present when I purchased tampons. I always chose the same brand, same box, same package design. How hard could this really be? He was getting a Ph.D. in rocket science, after all!

I gave him THE COUPON, which had a nice picture of the item on it.

I didn't hear from him. You would think he would come in proudly bearing gifts, but no. I called up to his office, he said they were in the car. I went to the car. Hmmm...

the conversation that followed went something like this:

"honey, where are tampons?"

"in the bag"

"WHICH bag?"

"you know, in there somewhere with the other stuff"

"these aren't tampons"

"they were in the right area"

"but you know what the box looks like"

"they all look the same"

"but there was a picture on the coupon. did you USE the coupon?"

"um, no. A guy can't use a coupon for tampons"

"and why did you buy a 100 foot super extension cord? we live in an apartment, nothing is 100 feet away from a plug"

"we might need one someday"

"and what about this car buffer? you haven't washed the car since we've lived here"

"i might"

"but there's no place to plug it in"

"we have a new extension cord"


"well...I didn't want to be seen hanging out in that aisle. people will think I'm weird or something. a guy can't just buy tampons. and I needed to buy stuff to cover up the tampons. you can't just carry those around a store"

So, my $3 tampons cost around $100. So much for the budget.

23 years later, we've both adapted to married life. We both learned that day that nothing reeks havoc on a budget quite like embarassment.

It's not uncommon for people to be embarassed and self-conscious about budgeting their finances. Shopping the sales, using coupons, making sure discounts and items are properly credited, buying a product that "feels" like second-rate, all can bring out the EMOTIONS of shopping. When the emotions are let loose, so is the money.

One trick several friends use to stay on track on the grocery aisles is to carry a series of index cards.

On one is printed the word STOP.




or whatever else does it for them. Those cards get carried around along with the shopping list and coupons, and they actually do help them remember that the budget is a blessing, not a curse.

Remember, Donald Trump shops at KMart. The heiress of a well known flour company uses coupons and shops sales. Rich people who stay that way don't waste money.

Hang in there.

17 Responses to “Men Don't Buy Tampons and other Budget Busters”

  1. Somerlyn Says:

    I was laughing so hard, having heard this conversation in my life before. We don't talk tampons in my house I have four sons.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    That is quite funny! I never asked my husband to buy Kotex. I wonder if he would have?

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    We have raised three daughters. Between all us girls my DH said he shoulda bought kotex stock...but to this day, he has NEVER bought a box...don't even ask, cause the answer is NO!!!

    (He was eeven at walmart one time, I called and he refused...)

  4. flash Says:

    Yep. Actually worse if there is a sale, as "there were too many women around".

    I do think it's odd, though, how embarrassment can cost us so much financially. Embarassed about the car we drive, the clothes we wear, just wondering if someone is looking in our grocery cart and judging us!

    I actually was feeling a bit guilty holding a pile of coupons out to the cashier two weeks ago, and she said "wow, where do you get these great coupons?" She said she had been to all the web sites but they are all printables, and her store doesn't accept printables. I went from guilt and embarrassment to feeling good about being able to help her! And I saved 70%!

  5. baselle Says:

    I have a real gem. My DH has been known to buy Tampax in an emergency, albeit the smallest box possible.

    Combined with your first post of april 8, you've pretty much hit the three "E" horsemen of overspending - Emergency, Embarrassment, and Emotion. (I wanted to think of a 4th E...Entertainment just wasn't catchy enough). And it seems like sales and advertising exploit all of these. I like the index card trick; perhaps some yoga or meditation techniques will help quell overspending too.

  6. baselle Says:

    Got the 4th horseman - "Easy".

    Emergency, Embarrassment, Emotion, and Easy.

  7. boomeyers Says:

    I like the index card trick too. I'm going to try it! And I think EASY is definately the last E!! That and emotion are the two I use most often!

  8. flash Says:

    Entertainment is definitely a budget buster in our house...DH loves to pick up DVDs at Costco!

  9. flash Says:

    Going through my rebates yesterday, I realized it happened again!

    Two weeks ago, at our local grocer's, they had a sale on Kotex with a manufacturer's checkout rebate, a rebate on Always, and a sale on another brand. I had coupons for all of them, but was getting confused with the rebate/sale/coupon versus the other rebate/sale/coupon, etc. So, asked DH to calculate which was the best buy and double check the coupons while I looked at hair care two feet from him. He said whatever I put in the cart was fine.

    At checkout, the items didn't match the coupons. Checked the online rebate, and didn't get that either. Asked DH, he said something like "they all had flowers on them" Wink

  10. MyMoneyBlog Says:

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    I had a tough time deciding on how to host this week's Carnival. Honestly, I haven't read (or submitted to) one in weeks. As Carnivals get larger, the host tends to get overwhelmed...

  11. PrincessPerky Says:

    When we first got together I swore I would never make DH go get any, I always keep a two month supply...well I had to send DH to buy pads...In the middle of the night! 3 am and he had to go 'NOW" (it was a misscarriage) the guy bought 4 boxes, he was not going to get stuck again! (he will buy them now, just another grocery item I think..)

  12. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I will buy whatever is necessary at the grocery store and I wil use the coupon. I will not go shopping for clothes for my wife. Examples of shopping would be for Christmas, birthday, etc....

    I really tried but I felt everyone was looking at the perv going through the womens clothes. I also do not understand the size setups. It is much easier as a guy to buy stuff guy stuff. I also don't have a grasp on matching colors and accessorizing. Several times I have had to approach sales ladies and try to explain what my wife wanted as a gift. I have been red faced many a time trying to verbalize correctly what I needed to buy.

    I now take my sister who understands the code and the lingo of womens clothing. Let's face it most fellas I know really can't do this without feeling really embarassed or worse humiliated.

    Ladies please give us an A for effort but the majority of us can't pull this off. Oh, forget about under garments! I won't enter that part of the store even with my sister.

    Buying Tampons is a bunt compared to having to buy clothes for a womans gift!

  13. flash Says:

    My DH is the same on that. He won't even go into the underwear/lingerie section when I'm there doing the purchasing! Clothing, he gives me the catalog, then uses internet with what he downselects.

  14. kashi Says:

    I am definitely lucky. SO would buy anything I asked him to, especially if he knew exactly what brand to buy. Funny story!

  15. markio26 Says:

    it was so funny.. today at wag a young man was in line in front of me... he was buying tampons.. he hid them to his right side until it was time to lay them on the counter.. thought about your post. i wish i could have said its okay to him, he was so flustered.... but, there was way too many ears close by and i was afraid of embarassing him...

  16. dalene Says:

    OMG OMG OMG this is so my DH. like I don't buy him whatever.

  17. flash Says:

    Funny, isn't it, I wouldn't think twice about buying a personal product for my DH.

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