Home > doggie bills rise

doggie bills rise

December 8th, 2005 at 09:03 pm

What a day. Doggie has been acting like she has a UTI, and given her other problems, seemed likely. Had to EXPLAIN to hubbie what the symptoms were, he was just getting irritated at her asking to go out every 30 seconds. He took her to the vet, they said yes, but wanted to do an x-ray$$ and now he called and she has a kidney stone or other blockage and they are catherizing her $$$.

Love my pup. Just have to find more ways to cut costs to balance the budget.

I'm supposed to change her over to canned food, too. She's only 11 pounds now. Just stocked up on her dry foods. So, the SPCA will be getting some nice donations.

Time to trim the budget!

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