Home > updating


December 4th, 2005 at 10:44 pm

Been updating the Freebies/Coupons section while MD trims the tree. It is taking much longer than I thought to test and clean out all the expired links, offers, spam, and update offers if available. I'm down to Food/Cooking, and it is down from around 20 pages to 10. Better. Just keep plugging away.

It is nice to check out all the offers and sites. Have found a few things I'm interested in. Hopefully a few good deals for others too. Now to scrub down the residue off the computer. Wow, some of these sites really dump the trojans and data miners on!

Did complete my daily participation in two panels. Did get through the chores, got some coupons ready to mail off to someone else, little things. Only thing I spent on was the dog's meds, and, well, since she keeps NAILING MD's fingers when he tries to brush her teeth and RINSE her mouth :-), I think we can afford a doggie toothbrush that has a handle. The vet-supplied finger brush, a rubber glove for his finger that he is supposed to brush the dog's teeth with? well, who's idea was that???

2 Responses to “updating”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hi Flash!

    Forget trying to brush the dogs teeth daily. I know that's not PC, but here's something better: get those things they use in hospitals that you suck on for water. It's a long lollipop stick with a green sponge like thing at the end. Dip that in hydrogen peroxide and swip it all around and inside the dog's mouth. He can bite on that ALL he likes! It cleans and kills off everything. This is the type of oral care given to patients in comas and I find it worked great on my dog.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Excellent idea Katwoman! I know exactly what you mean. And I'm a huge fan of peroxide.

    Think hubbie is starting to enjoy the war, though. He will WIN the war if it kills him, and show the scars proudly :-)

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